Im 22M, worked for 4 years after highschool but started college this year.

Also idk if this is the right sub but I kind of want advice or something and this is dealing with a social (relationship) and personal thing sooo idk

Anyways – I recently left a 4 year relationship that was with my first love, person I lost my virginity to, etc. We also lived together for a majority of our relationship. The relationship was emotionally abusive in nature and took a lot out of me. I’ve been kind of sad and lost because of the break as well.

I’ve tried dating – almost exclusively through the internet and its been mediocre at best. I’ve met a handful of people, hooked up with 1 and honestly I feel absolutely nothing. I don’t think I’m a hookup type of person since every hookup I’ve had, has left me nauseous and wishing I just jerked off. The girl I got the closest too seemed to like me – she was cute, attentive, funny and the last time I saw her, she put her arm around mine – but I stopped talking to her because I felt nothing.

During my winter break, I’ve cuddled with a few friends and the same thing happened – it was nice, but didn’t really mean much.

But recently, I cuddled with a girl I hesitate to call my friend. I’ve known her for 5 or 6 years now but we never talked. I only knew her because she was friends with my friends in HS. I ran in to her a year or so ago coincidentally at her work place and she surprisingly remembered my name, while I had to say “bro” until her coworker called to her (lol).

I hung out with her, along with another friend because she’s gotten closer to a long term friend that I’ve had, maybe a few times during break.

About a week ago I rolled (took ecstacy) for a rave and went to a house party she was at afterward, still rolling. She was drunk and I asked to cuddle with her and oh my God, that was the first time since my breakup that I actually felt so warm and emotionally fulfilled. She didn’t just hold me, she fully embraced me with her arms and legs. I remember her saying that my hands were cold (I didn’t notice because drugs lol) and grabbing both of my hands with both of hers and putting them between her thighs. I felt so happy and loved and although this is definitely drug amplified and induced, I have some feelings for her. Despite meeting a bunch of girls, kissing some, cuddling some, etc, she’s the first person to make me feel content and whole again.

Side note – I cuddled with 1 other friend while rolling and felt nothing so it definitely wasn’t just drugs.

Before leaving back for college I planned a friend’s dinner and although I thought everything was normal, my friends asked me after, “what was up with you and her flirting at dinner?”

I don’t know if I’m oblivious or if my friends are just goading me on lol, but I don’t really know how to proceed.

I value friends over relationships and wouldn’t want to ruin a potentially amazing friendship over some feelings I could get over.

Any advice appreciated

  1. I’ve been in the same boat as you. I had to force myself to feel something, unlike your natural process. (Which is better) but my advice is do not be dependent on it. That break up should have taught you something that is maybe trying to tell you something now. Respect your freedom and hers in a friendship. In a relationship, it’s fine. Just do not approach this situation as if you ARE in a relationship. You guys are friends. Appreciate that for now

  2. Be honest with her about your LTR and see if she’s willing to date. It might not lead anywhere but it sounds like you’re starting to heal.

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