MEN who are good at carrying conversations with women, how do you do it and what do you talk about?

  1. To be honest, I talk to women the way I talk to men who aren’t my close friends. My friends who are “bad at talking to women” are the ones who are always nervous and awkward and try to force a conversation. If you don’t do those things, you’ll be fine.

  2. “Conversations with women”, treating it like it’s anything different is a big mistake. You’re talking to a person just like you, that’s all you need to remember.

  3. Ask questions and listen to what they say. A woman will tell you what she wants and how she wants it, just ask questions and actually listen to what she says. It also helps to look at her eyes, not just her tits.

  4. Well the trick is not thinking of it as “conversation with a woman” and instead think of it as “conversation with a person”

  5. I just act interested in what they want to talk about, most of the time. Ask basic questions, listen to responses, figure out what they like/what matters to them, keep asking questions about that. It’s not very fun for you but it’s an almost sure way to get people talking.

  6. The most important part of a successful interaction is catering to your audience.

    So I usually talk about kitchen and cleaning stuff with women, sometimes I’ll even lecture her about basic political happenings if she seems smart.


  7. I have a degree in Communications, my dude. I got a whole flowchart in my head. Really, all you gotta do with any person is you let them talk and then rip apart what they said, ask about it, and then keep them talking.

  8. They’re people just like anyone else. If you can talk to anyone you can talk to women.

    When I was a younger me my mentor told me to talk to women like a friend before I ever talk to them like a lover.

    I’ve never had trouble talking to girls.

  9. Dude, women are humans. Jus like you.

    They poop like you,
    They get insecure like you,
    They get embarrassed like you,
    They arent some other perfect species. Talk to them like you would talk to any man. Plus flirt.

    Its not rocket science man, theyre humans.

  10. Dude i can start a conversation with anyone

    -Just find out a Common Ground between you and them
    -ask them questions about them
    -let them speak

  11. Just start with general questions to find common interests . Start with open ended questions and then follow up with more specific. Maintain eye contact and show interest in their conversation. Generally be interested in the conversation if you are not don’t waste her time. Don’t ask question you aren’t prepared to answer yourself or are inappropriate.

    For example you could ask her her hobbies. If she said. Swimming. You could ask her if she likes to swim at the lake , pool or the beach best . If she says the beach. You could reply I like so and so beach ! What’s your favorite beach.

    Pay attention to body language if she is closed open or disinterested. Women give clues if she is giving short answers she maybe shy or disinterested .

    Be genuine you won’t hit it off with everyone keep it in mind that not everyone will like you. Approach it like that but make an effort if she’s not interested then respect her and move on. Your confidence will improve the more experience you get. If your a decent guy who is respectful your reputation will get around as girls talk. So the disinterest girl that appreciated that you weren’t a creep may be the friend of your future GF tomorrow

  12. That’s easy. You just keep it exciting. Discuss some interesting social matter with her, ask her for her opinion, ask a few follow ups, throw in a cheeky joke in between to make her smile, back to having her elaborate on her views, then give her a feeling of belonging by reinforcing common ground … etc.

    Give her room to express herself, throw in a few bits of evidence of your wit, competence and charm, then slowly “escalate” it towards being more cheeky and sensual with one another.

  13. It has to be a mutual effort.

    If you ask questions and the girl is only giving one word responses, of course it’s going to seem awkward.

    That’s usually how it is for me.

    I heard about this thing called the FORD method for conversations.





    Might help, but like everything, it takes practice.

  14. I ask them a question relevant to either a shared experience or pop culture. I listen to their response. Here’s where it goes wrong for most. Next step is to genuinely care about what they say and then ask them more about their response. Resist giving your own opinion on anything until she asks for it. A lot of folks ask a question just so they can talk about the self. Ask about her and stay on her and respond positively to her answers.

  15. Just talk about what you want, if she’s not feeling it, she’s not your type anyways and it’s not worth your time. Don’t waste your precious minutes and hours on people who don’t find you interesting.

  16. i usually talk about myself, what i like, what i do, and then talk about what they do

    its keeping the topic even

  17. Ask about hobbies, likes, do they collect things. If you know them . Ask them about how their family is doing. Make them laugh.

  18. Talking with women is easy. Just ask them about themselves and follow up with questions about things they are interested in.

  19. Just carry a conversation like I always do. If I don’t get laid or fall in love, I’ll still be alive.

  20. Ask questions show interest and try to find common interests, also give compliments on anything you can think of.

  21. As everyone is pointing out, talk about things you talk to other people about. Sure my male friends are easier to talk to about sports and video games. Aside from that difference with both groups I talk about what we’ve been reading, watching, listening to, travelled to, new things in the city, questions about where they’re from, how work is going, how they are doing…

    I find that asking questions about a person, listening and making informed questions always leads to conversations that go on and on.

  22. This rule applies to any sex. People love talking about themselves. Just ask them about themselves and it will create conversations.

  23. It’s incredibly easy, you just ask questions. Who are they, what do they like, family, career, hobbies, whatever. if they’re not a narcissist or utterly untrained in how to hold a convo too, then they’ll ask you questions as well.

    Once you find something in common, talk about that. It will lead to other things.

  24. I can have a conversation with anyone about almost any topic the secret is to let them talk and ask questions. People love to talk especially about themselves and things that interest them, paying attention and the asking questions validates them and makes them feel good. If you can add something to the conversation great but usually listening is enough.

  25. Treat them as you would any other person. Find common points of interests and the conversation will flow

  26. Ask questions and care about what they have to say. Don’t think about what you’re going to say next, just listen and respond. If you truly care about what they’re saying and ask genuine questions, the conversation will flow naturally.

  27. Never talk about you or the minimum possible. Always continue with a question about her. Women like talking about herself

  28. I mean treating it as any different from talking to other men is already a huge mistake, theyre human beings, not aliens lol.

  29. Conversation is a skill that can be worked on and a skill people naturally have. I was terrible at holding conversations and then I took a class at a community college and it worked wonders. I talk to woman like I talk to anyone else because I’m not trying to get anything out of them. I’m happily married BUT if you want to try to get together with the woman you are trying to have conversations about, be calm and smooth. Make it about them. For example a lot of single woman are career oriented. Do you like your job? Build off that. Wow that sounds stressful you must be very organized. Don’t make it like an interview keep questions interesting and just flow comment on somthing shes wearing or whats going on around her. I suggest you try chat rooms if you are not comfortable with in person meet ups yet. Then once you can keep chats going in a chat room try some bar conversations with random people not just woman. Good luck and don’t sweat it just practice and like anything you’ll get better.

  30. I won’t claim to be the world’s greatest conversationalist, but read *How to win friends and influence people*.

    …which I haven’t actually done. But a big thing that I’m told is in there, and definitely works, is to

    # ask them about themselves

    Everyone wants to talk about themselves. Most conversations are people taking turns talking about themselves, and then waiting for other people to stfu so they can get back to talking about themselves.

    If you could respond to a story they tell with “haha that’s funny one time *I* [story about yourself]” or “that’s interesting, what about [follow up on random detail from their story]”

    99% of the time the first one they’ll get bored, the second one they’ll get super into telling you more.

    You barely even have to do anything, just

    # Ask them about themselves

    (none of this is gender specific)

  31. Active listening, talking to them about their interest, talking to them about mine (without assuming they are idiots or mansplaining if its a mutual interest), eye contact (hard as I’m autistic) and body language that shows you are focused on them, don’t randomly be a creep or even really complement them on their looks unless your relationship is like that (if unsure it isn’t).

    Basically all the stuff you would do with a man but with a few other things to avoid as they are often interpreted (for good reason) as signs of hitting on a woman or disrespect.

    Oh and a lot of guys will interrupt women who don’t want to be talked to. Women don’t owe you their time for a conversation.

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