
Have you noticed that some questions posed in this corner of Reddit appear to be traps? Specifically, a question is asked, an answer is given to genuinely answer, and then down-voted to oblivion because others don’t agree.

In other words, you get punished for thinking outside of others. Why does it appear to be like that in AskMen? Looks counterintuitive to discussion and a forum.

  1. Well if you give a bad answer, people downvote it to show disapproval.

    Like if a post asks how to ask a girl out, and then someone unironically comments whip out your dick. It’s gonna get downvoted cuz that’s bad advice.

  2. People disagree with the opinion, thus the downvote. Reddit karma is hardly a reward, just a number that represents how many more people agreed with ypu, compared to those that disagree.

  3. A lot of insecure women lurk this sub to have their feelings validated, especially since this sub is very relaxed on who can answer compared to other ask demographic subs, luckily there are some men to balance it out so don’t take it personally and keep answering

  4. Because nowadays people can not handle someone having a different oppinion.

    This goes to the extend of some retards not understanding physics and instead of admitting no knowing something, doubeling down and proclaiming the earth is flat, and everyone not agreeing with their bs being stupid and they are in fact the ones being smart.

    Exact same thing with religion.

    Also it is very easy today to live in your own cozy echo chamer bubble and gatekeeping other oppinions, so some people might just not be used to that.

  5. I reckon most people are just addicted to the dopamine feedback or virtual attention that social media provides, and don’t give a shit about any kind of genuine exchange of ideas or discussion with other people.

    And I also think that this whole “downvoted for having a different opinion” thing is more to do with the specifics of what is being said within the context, since I’ve seen so many “different opinions” are utter bullshit and people clearly just trying to stir up a false controversy. And obviously so many subreddits have their own sequestered communities that develop into a love-it-or-leave-it culture.

  6. Welcome to the modern Internet social sites. Seems that a hefty minority of people just want to jump on and be self-righteous against those with the ‘wrong opinions’. A smaller, vocal, minority just want to stir the pot backwards and watch it burn.

    We all have to stop caring about internet points.

  7. There’s a few different things going on imo.

    The first thing to realize (unfortunately) is that downvotes doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means people got butthurt or didn’t agree with you, but sadly it gets perceived as being wrong. Pair that with people not really being open to discussion and reading the whole post and you get a rather unintelligent situation. What’s worse, I’ve noticed, is someone will come in and just throw a one liner insult or say something generic like,’You’re probably watch Andrew Tate”. And then everyone will upvote him and downvote you just because of the negative shock factor of being associated with Tate when in reality nothing you ever said has anything even remotely to do with him. Its just the first moron didn’t read the whole post and just got butt hurt so decided to troll and everyone took his word for it rather than thinking on their own feet and coming up with a valid critic or counter argument of their own.

    Second thing is that there is no real way of verifying men or women here. So you’ll get a whole heap of toxic women just lurking to put down others or downvote posts that are accurate but don’t fit the feminist agenda. There’s a reason why all the female dominated subs like askwomen and twoxchromosomes are just pure male hatred toxicity but you don’t really see the same in male dominated subs.

    Thirdly, I think it has to do with validation. A lot of women come on here posting questions. Not because they want actual male perspective answers but rather because they want men (that are usually not their boyfriend) to agree with her. When we give her a legit answer she then gets pissed off and the whole thing turns toxic. Note how the toxicity almost always goes up when a woman asks a question about male behavior here, as opposed to when guys are just shooting the shit?

    I think a side attachment that goes along with the 3rd point is the number of white knight, soy boy characters. It feels like they are nowhere to be seen until a woman posts. And then all of a sudden they come out of the woods just to shit on other guys, in hopes of making themselves look good in the eyes of some random girl on the internet that they’ve never met by playing along to her feminist agenda. And that gets out of control very fast because now it looks like the men are against the men, with the white knights and the feminists upvoting each other while downvoting what all the normal , non-manipulative guys are saying.

  8. People want answers beyond the generic over-used ones because they don’t apply to them. This often causes redditors to scream “you’re just whining!!” or “you don’t want help, you’ve already given up!” Even though the poster obviously has not, since they keep relying in order to tease out a different answer. After enough unhelpful counterproductive redditors, a mod usually joins in and deletes the thread. Thus the question gets asked again later at a different time of day when different people can reply and may actually help.

  9. Askmen is honestly much better than the other question subreddits I’ve been to. This section, to me, is way more honest and real than somewhere like r/TooAfraidToAsk

  10. People reject any implication that they themselves could be the problem.
    God forbid someone actually dig themselves out of the hole they found themselves in.

  11. Honestly the most i see of this is some girl who is looking for confirmation bias and gets mad whenever guys dont answer how she wnats them to answer/answer fitting her preconceptions.

    We as men have grown to recognize this pattern and dont answer questions by women just looking for a specific answer, because its often not the case.

  12. Typical /askmen question; “How do you get over the loneliness?”

    Followed by genuine, deep answers that get downvoted.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Guys, here’s some advice; You can only experience loneliness if you don’t enjoy your own company.

  13. This is what I mean when I say that, on Reddit, or even social media in general, you’re not allow to express your own opinion, if that opinion doesn’t align with everyone else’s. You have to be a Yes Man and go along with the crowd.

  14. A lot of the problems being asked don’t have an easy solution. Some of them don’t have a solution at all. Like all those women who ask about when the dude they’re seeing will stop playing games and settle down(most of the time he won’t) or how they can get somebody to be nicer to them(most of the time they can’t).

    Even the solutions that would work are often hard or uncomfortable compared to a comforting lie. Obesity is a problem but diet and exercise is hard and produces uneven results, so most people prefer the polite example of weight not mattering for whatever reason they ask.

  15. People dislike opinions that don’t match theirs. Try posting an opinion especially a relatively negative one on certain music or celeb pages and watch the downvotes appear.

  16. It’s Reddit. Why do you care about votes? You get to express your opinion and so do the redditors that up/down vote.

  17. Most people can’t stand the truth or an honest opinion despite saying otherwise.

  18. Because tons of questions arent asked for extra perspectives but to affirm the askers viewpoint.

  19. “In other words, you get punished for thinking outside of others.”

    This literally has been like that for the entire history of human kind.

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