I am posting on behalf of my friend (30 M). I feel a bit concerned for him. He had a bad breakup from his past relationship and he kept having hopes for her for two years and recently he found out she got married.

He started looking on dating apps and matched with a girl (26 F) two weeks back. They started chatting a lot, video calling and then he met her after two weeks. They instantly connected and had a great time and he spent the whole weekend with her at her place.

What i am concerned about is will this relationship work as everything seems to be going too fast and he is looking to settle down. Is this normal for long term relationships? He is right now crazy about her and cannot see anything else. And he is going to be leaving for work for two months in two weeks and she knows that. Will this work?

1 comment
  1. Any feedback or opinion any of us could have is completely irrelevant, we don’t know your friend and we don’t know his new partner. Every single person is different, some people this could work fine and others it will crash and burn.

    Just support your friend as best you can and be there if he needs you, don’t worry about policing his relationship

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