Hey. I’m a 19 y/o male that has really bad confidence issues. I have trouble believing that I’m a good looking guy even when most women tell me that I am. The struggle starts with men’s perspective on how I look. On average, most women find me attractive regardless of age. With men it’s only a select few that find me attractive. That only includes men that are older than me. Every male that I’ve spoken with that is my age or younger thinks I’m absolutely hideous(Yes every single one). I confronted many people about this and most of them told me it was a jealousy issue. I KNOW THAT IS NOT THE CASE. I was bullied because of the way I looked. Some people go out of their way to make fun of me in public. I am very confused and need advice.

1 comment
  1. You dont know that is not the case, though. Kids make fun of people for anything, even if it isn’t true. It is much more likely that they called you ugly or whatever because they did think your looks were a positive and wanted to bring that down. You could send me a pic, and I could also tell you truthfully what my opinion is as someone around your age, 23M.

    Either way, if people now are telling you you’re attractive, just accept the compliment. Why linger on it instead of taking people at their word? Sure, it’s hard to accept when you have self-esteem issues, but think about how you feel when you compliment someone, maybe a friend, but they keep rejecting that. It feels frustrating, right? These people would have that same frustration.

    I believe you’re overthinking something that has a simple conclusion. Don’t linger on this, buddy. I wish you luck!

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