Ive been learning Spanish for the past half a year and I know enough to have basic conversations. I wanted to test out my Spanish by going to the Cuban Restaurant near my house but everytime I go in and get too scared to order my food in Spanish and I feel bad because they struggle to talk to me in English sometimes but they still try. And I wanna show respect and do the same with them but I just get too nervous. How do I get over the fear of this .

  1. “Hey, I’ve been learning some Spanish, is it okay if I do my order in Spanish for practice?”

  2. Take a deep breath, and go for it! They’ll most likely have a look of excitement/surprise on their faces to see someone speaking their native language. It’ll be a great way to practice as well. It doesn’t even have to be a complex conversation. Start off with something like “Hola, ¿cómo está?”, and see where it goes. You’ll do fine.

    I remember I went to a Korean church service with my friend. The only phrase I knew was “How are you?”. I just kept repeating it to everyone, but it seemed to make them happy lol

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