I mean by when your in a social situation, but you’re not currently interacting with someone. I’m personally content with starting into space but I’m worried people might think I’m weird.
I’m concerned because the place I’ll be at is small enough where you can see everyone in the room and not a lot of people will be there.

The event in attending will have activities but there will be pockets of time where we won’t be doing anything. I could say I could make myself busy but there will be literally nothing to do but stand there, and wait for the next activity during these waiting times. My biggest issue really is not knowing where to put my eyes lol.

I just need to know how to carry myself in this situation!

  1. OP, what exactly are you concerned that they are gonna think about you? And furthermore – why does what they think matter?

  2. I have very little friends. Often feels like I have none. When I’m bored, sad, having a bad day, I go to this coffee shop about 10 minutes from my house and I just bring my laptop and chill for a few hours. The baristas are always pleasant, they have wifi and everyone just does their own thing. It’s a very chill place that’s quiet but has a homey feel to it.

    Anyways, I was the same way. I just had to force myself to not think about what they might be thinking about me being alone. And thinking to myself, I could easily be on a work break, I could be a writer, ect. So that made it easier to be by myself because I realized no one knows WHY I’m by myself. They don’t know I’m actually just one very lonely person. But to them, I could be there by myself for a million reasons, not necessarily because I have no friends.

    I know it’s not the best advice but having that mindset helped me get over the social anxiety. It wasn’t an automatic thing of course, after a few times it got easier but now I’m there like 3 times a week and honestly it’s nice to just get out of my bed.

    Sorry for the long comment. I hope all is well!

  3. Are you going through these activities alone or are they breaking you off into groups? If alone don’t worry about what others think and go over they info you got from each station. If you’re in a group tag along with them, chances are everyone in the group is feeling awkward too

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