Why or why not?

  1. It’s called Sex Panther® by Odeon©.

    It’s illegal in 9 countries.

    It’s also made with bits of real panther,
    so you know it’s good.

    60% of the time, it works every time.

  2. I’ve never worn cologne in my life. To tell the truth, I don’t really like the smell. I figure as long as I shower daily and put on deodorant, I’ll smell good.

  3. I wear cologne every single time I leave my place. Doesn’t matter if I’m getting gas, store, gym, date, work, chilling with friends, or anything. I always make it a point to smell good in public, and the ladies compliment how I smell too. Especially when they pull you in close for a hug.

    If I was married, I’d wear cologne every single day even if I’m not leaving the house.

  4. Never. They don’t last long enough and the result feels cheap. Get a nice EDT, it is not as heavy as perfume but lasts long enough for the evening.

  5. Eros Blue, I like to smell good, just part of the deal in my opinion. Don’t wear it to work though.

  6. I don’t use cologne, that’s one way to waste money and mine job doesn’t allow it ( lab settings).

  7. Only if we’re going out for a date or some sort of special occasion. I work in construction, there is zero reason to wear cologne every day when I’m going to smell like sweat and lumber in about 45 minutes.

  8. I will but only on special occasions or dates. Even then, I go by the “less is more” mentality. IMO she should only be smelling it when she’s up close, not from down the block like some guys like to do it.

  9. Not something I wear every day to work but if I’m going out with friends or to a special event, I always make a point to wear cologne.

  10. Sometimes. Church, dates, Dr visits. That kinda thing. And mostly cheaper stuff. I think I have $20 in my most expensive bottle?

  11. I don’t. I shower daily and use beard oil. I’ve had plenty of women tell me I smell good without it and a lot of people don’t like that much scent.

  12. Never, because I’d be too afraid of overdoing it and not realizing. I hate when people come up to my office and when they leave, I can still smell their cologne, so I don’t wanna be one of those people.

  13. On the weekends when I’m about n about. Sometimes at work cause I can. I always get told how nice I smell. Though last weekend a girl told me I smelled like her ex and it made her miss him Lmao.

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