How often do you change socks?

  1. Usually daily, Not because of cleanliness or because I particularly care, I just can’t find the old pair I took off yesterday. I think the laundry fairy (My wife) grabs them and throws them in the bin while I’m asleep.

  2. When they have holes in them. Save for this one disgusting habit….I’m pretty clean, I swear. Shower daily, do laundry regularly……I just really hate the feeling of dry, clean socks on my feet.

  3. Daily. I try to air out the inserts in my work boots as well. Keep the feet clean and healthy.

  4. Depends on what I’m doing for work.

    A week if I’m sitting at the office in the winter.

    I want to change them twice a day when I’m at the industrial furnace in steel capped boots.

  5. Daily and occasionally 2 times a day if I know I’m going somewhere after work where I may take my shoes off

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