There’s a guy I’ve liked for over a year and he can’t text back. We’ve hung out a few times and even f*cked so it’s weird because he said he “doesn’t like guys who are only interested in sex”. Then he ghosts me after we do it. And says he never wanted to date in the first place, even though he said he did and wanted to wait a few month. Now he won’t talk to me at all and claims I’m blowing up his phone. How can I get him to text back?

  1. might be tough going since he’s annoyed at your phone behaviour

    check in with him every week or month, some time passing and far less frequency in your efforts, may change his attitude

    people who dislike others, generally start with disliking themselves

  2. He will text back to break up with you.

    Very bad start, bad relationship.

    I never fuck. I make love and I mate for life. It’s never shallow, it always fulfilling and spiritual.

    I also never need to blow someone’s phone up.

    Be healthy and find a healthy partner. It’s good for you.

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