I realised I’m extremely attention seeking in class. Everytime I know something, or can answer something I want to make sure everyone of my classmates and my teacher knows it. Not even just in class, in fact, everytime I see an opportunity to look like I’m better than others I’ll eagerly take up all the spotlight and even go out of my way to do things that’ll make people praise me.

I’ll try to debate with people on topics where my knowledge is limited and try to “beat them” and often just end up embarrassing myself. I try to always seem so fucking clever but end up looking like a clown.

When someone asks me to explain something, I try to do so but end up growing impatient and probably come off as having some kind of superiority complex, because I know and understand the material and they don’t.

I hate seeming so overtly eager to show others how great I am (I’m embarrassed to even type this out) and I also come off as arrogant and socially awkward.

I’m an average student/person so i feel like even more of a joke being the way I am. I want to stop and be quieter and just mind my own business but I just cannot fucking help my attention seeking urges at all.

Any advice/tips for me?

  1. Well you are aware that you do this so that is a good first step. Next you have to make a conscious effort to not speak up. When you get the urge to speak up and school someone say no! and don’t open your mouth. Eventually it’ll get easier. Use an elastic band around your wrist if you have to and snap it if you get the urge to speak up.

  2. My advice would be to learn about mindfulness and try practicing mindfulness meditation so that you will learn to spend more time being aware of your behavior. Being mindful (nonjudgmental, moment to moment awareness) will help you catch yourself when you’re about to engage in a behavior you’re trying to stop.

  3. Focus on being genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with others om the side. Chase excellence, not people. Don’t act better, BE BETTER !

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