It’s gonna be my first time giving a blowjob but I find it weird he wants me to lay down? I thought I’m supposed to be on my knees…and do I have to be completely naked when doing this?

  1. I’m confused can you elaborate like how this convo between you two came up cuz this doesn’t make any sense, is he just trying to fuck your mouth?

  2. Because he’s seen it in porn. This isn’t a “first-time” technique. At all. And even with partners with much more experience some just don’t find this enjoyable or even really possible.

  3. Being upside-down like that aligns your throat with your mouth and can make deep throating easier. But since you can’t move as much, it means that the guy is going to be doing the moving in and out. You can still guide the movement with your hands on his hips, and if you push him away because it’s too deep he shouldn’t resist (if he’s a decent human being and you haven’t discussed otherwise).

    Don’t do something that you’re not comfortable with.

  4. Jfc you don’t do throat fucking with someone who’s never given a blowjob before unless you want to possibly traumatize them for life.

    And no, you don’t need to be fully naked either if you dont want to. It sounds like this guy just wants to fulfill his own fantasies. What is he doing for your pleasure?

  5. OP as someone who is experienced giving head my advice for a first one especially to be one where you’re in full control (on your knees). Especially if it’s new territory for you then it’s a very vulnerable feeling, so I think you being in full control while he just relaxes would give you the best first BJ experience and then you can experiment with other things including throat fucking.
    Being throat fucked (especially if he’s too rough) may ruin giving bjs for you.

  6. I would only do this with a guy I was *very* comfortably with sexually.

    Because he’s basically going to be ramming his dick down your throat.

  7. Na, he doesn’t want a blow job. He wants to fuck your mouth and throat lol.

  8. Op what he’s wanting is not something I would recommend for the first time. Sounds like he’s been watching to much porn. I would be more concerned that he sounds selfish. No man in their right mind would recommend this as a first time bj.

  9. Do not do that for your first bj ever. He likes what he saw in porn and most girls never done that position let along first time. It’s not something someone does there first time. If he pushes you for it leave him.

  10. I’m glad you did your “research” here. This is definitely not a position for a first time BJ and, honestly, not even one you ever have to be comfortable with.

  11. Is there seriously any man or woman who enjoys to have the throat fucked? Please explain if it is the kink in itself or actual sensation. I am asking not to judge, I love sex and my fantasies can be quite inclusive, but this one I don’t get from a receiver perspective and am curious about the pleasure of it.

  12. This is not the way you want to give your first bj this jerkoff of a guy is trying to fuck your throat. It’s not going to be enjoyable

  13. It’s going to be your first time doing a blowjob? And he knows this and says this? What do you want from him?

  14. My wife and I (both 30) have come a long way in our sex life (10 years), but had to work at it. I would agree with the majority of the comments, BJ on the edge of the bed might be better suited for experienced partners.

  15. “Hey, I want to use your mouth to masturbate and probably won’t even try to get you off” ……. Vibes

  16. If you can’t ask him then you shouldn’t even be in a relationship. He wants an upsidedown bj honestly I thinks that too much for a beginner.

    Talk to him and not us. You have to right to say no. Don’t do things things because your partner wants it.

  17. I’m glad you’ve looked into it and decided against it. It would be.. A LOT for a beginner.

    Never never never do something you are uncomfortable with because someone else is excited and you don’t want to let them down. Boundaries are SO important in relationships, and someone who respected you and cared about you would NEVER want you uncomfortable or unhappy during what is supposed to be a fun time for *both* of you.

    The right people will respect your boundaries, no need to keep the ones that don’t around.

  18. I saw your comments that you aren’t going to do this and I think that’s a smart decision. There is no old way vs new way, they are 2 different things even though they involve the same body parts. I’ve been sexually active for over 35 years and I would never do this. Like you I find the act if it I’ve seen in videos very disturbing. That’s just my preference/opinion. I know there are people out there who enjoy this and good for them, it’s just not for me

  19. It actually makes deep throating easier. But if if your first time, maybe you should lay him down on bed and do it at your own pace. It is dominant position for a guy. Not recommended for first time.

  20. that is a throat job & he wants to fuck your face. all you do is lay there while he uses your throat. it usually hurts unless he’s very careful, especially if it’s your first time. that is not a blowjob. your bf seems incredibly insensitive. if this is your first time with a blow job, you should do it where you have the control & you can go as fast or deep or slow as you want & you can stop whenever you want to. what he is describing wouldn’t give you any of those options. instead you just lay there & take it.

  21. Oh boy. This isn’t for a rookie giving her first Bj.

    Op don’t do this.

    You give your first Bj how you’re comfortable, his way is not the way.

  22. That’s for someone usually a little more experienced. While I would recommend trying a different position if it’s your first time… If you’re comfortable with it go for it. As for the naked part I guess that’s up to you and what you’re comfortable with.

  23. If this is your first do not, I repeat. Do not take off your clothes. That man is attempting to use your inexperience as a way to coercive you into a sexual experience that you will not enjoy. Throat fucking involves a lot of gagging, choking, tears, and ultimately trust in your partner. Which I do not have trust in your partner because he’s trying to use your inexperience as a way to abuse you. A blowjob involves some hand use, some mouth and tongue play. Definitely a lot of lip play. Some throat play but not a full-on gagathon.

  24. My wife loves sucking my dick and still struggles with this position. Definitely not a first time bj. Your basically giving him full control. He sounds like a complete knob. I don’t think he even deserves a blowjob from a sweetie like you. Get a man that will treat you with respect. Once he does and committed then he gets that pleasure

  25. Do not have your first time giving a blow job this way. Do it how YOU feel comfortable and YOU be in control of how you do it. He doesn’t need to push your head around or anything. You can ask him how he likes it and go from there if you choose. After you get comfortable with it, you can experiment from there. Being upside down with your head hanging off the back of the bed can be difficult. Especially for the first time ever.

    It could definitely be something to experiment with in the future, and it doesn’t have to be rough/intense. Always communicate your boundaries and make sure you’re with a trusted partner you feel safe and comfortable with. I’ve done it before and enjoyed it because I was basically in control and my partner listened to my queues. He obviously had no desire to make it something I didn’t like doing! Lol

  26. Holy fuck i would not want to fuck a chicks mouth for her first bj lmao. Does this guy have scars on his dick? Bc he is about to lol. No fault to you either

  27. OP, I just wanted to add that you should never be afraid to tell him that you don’t want to do something in sex. If he gets angry or if he tries to manipulate you – leave him immediately, it’s a huge red flag saying “I don’t care about your comfort, I only care about myself”. I read your comments saying that you saw videos and it’s a no no for you – and I’m really happy to hear that you figured out your boundaries, it is REALLY important. Please, NEVER do anything you are not comfortable with. As others said, what he wants to do is an experienced technique – I, who is experienced in giving BJs and deepthroats, still would be hesitant to do throat fucking in this position. Never be ashamed for not wanting/being ready for this, especially when it’s your first time. If he doesn’t understand that and keeps pressuring you – leave him, it’s a HUGE red flag.

    Sorry for such a long comment🙈 you go girl!

  28. Judging from your comments, your boyfriend is a bucket of red flags.

    Throat fucking is for those who are experienced and with a partner they absolutely trust. Don’t let him abuse your inexperience by pressuring you into something that will only benefit him. Reevaluate this relationship. If you let him slide with this one despite your own discomfort, he will absolutely try to pressure you into another hardcore thing then another.

    He’s basically trying to use you as a fuckdoll and not caring about your sexual wellbeing or boundaries.

  29. The guy is trying to take advantage of you. You should call it off completely. Someone who tries to throat fuck you on your first time isn’t trustworthy.

  30. Porn. He saw it on porn. He’s trying to recreate porn. You’ll never live up to fake porn scenes. 😑

  31. Since you’re the person putting his dick in your mouth, I think you should be calling the shots. This is a weirdly specific request for a first blowjob, and honestly probably too intense. Not the best way to start out. I hate and don’t do it this way, ever, and I love giving blowjobs. When I’m giving one, I’m in control, though. It feels like he’s trying to act out something he saw in porn/fantasizes about and is not asking what you, a human being, would like to do. This whole approach is a no, for me.

  32. If it’s your first blowjob, DON’T do this. I do this for my boy, but only after a good amount of experience. It’s so it can more easily go into the throat. You won’t be able to breathe while it’s in, and that can be scary if you aren’t completely trusting of a guy. It also can hurt. Things like this need to be discussed BEFORE you try something like this, especially something that has you so vulnerable and the guy so in control. He controls the pace in this position, as well, which is no good for a first time. You WILL choke, and what a terrible experience to choke on someone for the first time and be unable to get away.

  33. I’m glad that you said that you saw a video of this and you’re going to say no.

    This is not something that should be someone’s first experience with oral sex. If you go through with this, I would bet money it will ruin your experience and make you dislike oral.

    This guy doesn’t seem to care about you. Or what you’re ready for. Or your comfort. I would advise you to tread very lightly when dealing with him. This is a big red flag that he wanted to do this with someone who has no experience.

  34. Don’t even do that for your first BJ, it’s a hard position and def not a beginner one. And really think if you really want to sleep with this person since it sounds very selfish in your comments

  35. He doesn’t want a blowjob. He wants to fuck your mouth. Not the same thing.

    Fucking RUN! This dude does not care at all about pleasing you. He is a horribly selfish lover.

  36. This weird ass dude is taking advantage of you 100% block him and find someone who actually cares about you to try things with sexually. This guy sounds like a huge creep

  37. Tell him to get naked, lie at the edge of the bed and then punch him in the balls for being such a fucking dick (and lay off the porn)

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