I make a lot of noise since my recycling mostly consists of glass bottles, but I don’t want to piss anyone off. It works fine when the bin is ful-ishl and I can layer it with cardboard (mixed recycling here), but my bin is empty and I have quite a nice haul… I ponder this every week and usually do it after 9 am on weekdays, but not sure of the proper etiquette.

  1. I’d generally say this (and other noisy jobs) is fine after about 9am on weekdays and 10am on weekends. If it’s only a few then maybe a bit earlier on weekdays – say 8/8.30 (essentially around the time most people would be going to work).

  2. 9am is fine. In fact the council signs near communal bins around me advise not to do it until 9am.

  3. Any time of day or night is fine, so long as you’ve counted your bottles before they go in so you can accuratly sing “[n] Green bottles standing on the wall…”

  4. That you are even thinking about it probably makes you more considerate than the majority.

    Building site near us kicks off at 0800 and our bins are collected weekly from 0700, the bin lorry is sometimes electric so is surprisingly quiet, but theres nothing they can do about the sound of the bins and their contents.

  5. Between 9am and 9pm. Except Sundays when noisily dumping bottles before 1pm is just a reminder of how much you and your friends had to drink last night and that you didn’t invite your neighbours.

  6. Finger in the air, any time after 9am and before 9pm. If you really want you can look up what time your council sets out but it’s not really the same thing.

    Wouldn’t let it stop you putting it out at, say, 10pm the night before collection, though.

  7. When are most people likely to up?

    Weekday, 7; weekend, 9.

    Different to continuous noise, which should be ‘working hours’.

  8. Man, I wish my life was as stress free as yours. Annoying the neighbours by putting my bins out wouldn’t even enter my thought process lol

  9. Have a bottle bank on the pavement outside my house so would say most popular time is between 10 pm and 11pm funny thing is its always the same people every other night getting rid of there bottles no idea where the get so many bottles from too recycle but very public spirited all the same.

  10. 8:30-9am on a week day, 9:30-10am at the weekend.

    Our neighbours across the road – that have thankfully just moved – would do it at about 7:30 every Saturday and Sunday and it was infuriating.

  11. Fair play to ya for even asking the question. I’m about 4 doors down from a pub and the cleaners do the bottle bins every morning at 5am (like clockwork) 7 days a week. I’m a light sleeper so it wakes me up pretty much every day.

    Not much to be done about it, I knew the pub was there when I moved in and if they weren’t doing it at 5am they’d be doing it at 1.30 / 2am. (Which would suit me better but I’d expect would disrupt more of the other neighbours on the road).

  12. Our previous neighbours used to do it at whatever time suited them. 6am as they let their dog out to bark constantly? Great. 1am? Even better.

    I’m more of a 9am-9pm kinda guy.

  13. 3 a.m. while you practice the one man band kit you have for weekends. Cymbals on the knees makes a happy sound on the way to the bin.

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