What are men’s attitudes towards women who choose to remain celibate?

  1. I don’t mind. It’s 2023.

    It just wouldn’t work in the relationship I need. Sex is incredibly important. Dont want to date a woman who wants to be celibate, sex b4 marriage. I would be depressed.

  2. No attitude. I don’t sleep with most of the women I met in my life, so doesn’t make that much off a difference

  3. Good. They won’t go head over heels for me and think of fucking me every time we hang.

  4. Wife material. Those who put out are fun as temporary relationships but need a pristine untouched one for lifelong

  5. Good for you for having whatever personal morals you adhere to. I won’t be dating those people however

  6. Very favourable. Some or many guys would not like it, but waiting for marriage is a requirement for a wife for me.

    Now, if you mean for life, then also favorably, especially if it’s for religious reasons. We wouldn’t date, though, obvs

  7. This man thinks whatever floats your boat.


    Unfortunately my wife would probably like to be celibate too… What about my boat!!!!????!!!! (joking people, really)

  8. It eliminates them as potential options for dating since I’m not asexual and want a monogamous relationship. But otherwise it doesn’t matter. Could still be good friends, coworkers, project partners, whatever if a good fit for those things.

  9. Is this something you would just…tell people? Nobody wants to know unless you’re dating them.

  10. It depends on what type of celibate we’re talking about. The lady that’s been pumped n dumped and attempting to find herself? Or a woman that’s never had sex and is saving herself for marriage. I don’t really respect the first one, but the latter is noble. I’d date a true celibate. If I was getting bjs and hjs I’m good.

  11. I respect that and for me the guy with whom she will lose her virginity will be really lucky and will feel valuable and important

  12. Depends on context.

    If I viewed them as a potential romantic sexual partner then they essentially disappear because they’re disqualified from one of the main criteria.

    If I’m not actively placing them into the partner zone then it’s a non issue as in I couldn’t care less and it’s not my business.

  13. It’s not my business, but if pressed for an opinion, it would depend on why. I’m not a fan of celibacy stemming from guilt or shame.

  14. Unless she’s dating me, it’s not my problem.

    If she is, then she better be worth the wait. Big risk of her not liking the real thing and me finding out after the marriage paywall.

  15. Depends on why she’s celibate, and if it’s something along the lines of “I want to wait til I’m ready to have sex with you” type thing, or “I only have sex if I’m married”.

    I had a short term relationship with someone who had been married twice already, and told me she didn’t believe in sex before marriage, which didn’t last long, because she was also against affection, since she associated affection as leading to sex with her exes.

    Dated another for a bit that was a virgin at 32. She just hadn’t been involved with anyone that she felt comfortable enough with to do more than maybe kiss. She also had health issues that complicated things, but she slowly opened up, and eventually asked me to take her virginity after a few months of heavy make out sessions, involving lots of touching/teasing. We didn’t last due to work schedule conflicts, but she didn’t regret anything that happened, and reached out a yr later just to say she moved a few states away for work, and hasn’t found anyone worth dating yet. I hope she does find someone she’ll be comfortable with long term tho.

  16. I haven’t really heard of this except for nuns. I know girls that are saving themselves for marriage and I say all power to them.

  17. As a person it makes no difference imo. As a potential partner it’s a question of whether you’re celibate in wait for marriage. Or because you’re asexual. I wouldn’t date someone who is asexual, and marriage is a large commitment that can go sideways. I largely respect the choice if it’s in wait. But I’d be cautious about marrying anyone, and being someone’s first is not large enough a prize to jump in feet first without serious assessment.

  18. What a woman does or doesn’t do with her body is her fucking business, not mine.

  19. Lifelong celibacy or waiting until marriage?

    I’m a guy who chose to wait ’til marriage. I equate sex with love expression and emotional bonding and don’t think I could have casual sex. I wanted to wait ’til I was in a lifetime commitment.

    On my wedding night my wife ended a dry spell of more than a year and a half, lol.

    I absolutely love that when I reminisce about my first time, I’m thinking of my wife of 19 years.

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