I am friends with one girl from my school. I came to the school in like 5th grade and was new so no one expect her hung out with me. I hate her. She has a victim complex and thinks the world revolves around her. Every time I tried to talk with her about this or tried to help she would get offended. She always gets offended when she’s told the truth. Anyways, she is my only friend. I have like 2 other friends but one moved to Germany, other goes to another school and we grew pretty distant so this girl I hate is like my only option.


I don’t mind being alone at school. I, however do mind being bored all day without anyone to hang out with outside of school. And I am very shy. In 2019 when I started school I tried making new friends with my classmates, didn’t work. I am starting high school this year also. I honestly don’t know what to do. In my town there are no clubs at all. Like, at all, only for sports. I like volleyball, but I am not the best at it. I just have a feeling like everyone already met someone and that everyone is in a group already.


Does anyone have any advice?

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