Almost close to deleting all social media accounts. Has anyone done this for an extended period of time?

  1. I occassionally use Instagram and obviously use reddit but that’s it. I will not go back to Facebook. I recommend it. You can deactivate your account if you’re not sure; I straight up deleted mine eventually.

  2. I did this for a while and I missed it, I missed uploading all the pictures I took to Instagram and keeping my friends and family in the loop with my life on Facebook

    Ended up going back, it’s honestly fine as long as you add people who are happy and not cynical lol

  3. I haven’t bothered with social media much in years.

    I’m on reddit with multiple accounts because I can be an anonymous pedant, go on and on about myself if I feel like it, share ideas, find educational subreddits, have access to amazing artwork, offer advice, or be a bit critical of something, without soiling the local watering hole.

    I keep my facebook and instagram active on the off chance I need to contact someone who I don’t otherwise keep in touch with, or to access a local business or group page for information, or for the times people inevitably ask me to “check this or that out on X app”.

    I don’t really spend any time on these apps. There is value in being able to share important life milestones once in a blue moon with a larger social circle- but honestly- the people I really care about are contacts saved in my phone, and I connect with them more often directly if important things in life are happening.

    I guess I technically have tick tock installed on my phone- but it’s only because I got tired of the extra prompts to down load the app when friends text stupid vids my way.

    TLDR I don’t post on social media, and don’t spend time looking at other people’s social media, unless it’s reddit – and then it’s a subreddit that aligns with my hobbies, or I feel like blathering on anonymously to strangers.

  4. I haven’t been on Instagram in months and I feel so much better!! Caught myself dwelling on Instagram and comparing my life to others eay too often. Now I stay in my lane and focus on my own life. Just deleted Facebook about a week ago, I don’t feel like seeing other people’s crap or sharing anything with anyone other than my close fam.

  5. Great. I only use Facebook for my family and friends back home and my business. Instagram is only business related. I don’t really have an interest in any other platforms.

  6. Yep. I feel lucky that I grew up before these things were really a thing, so it was never “normal” for me to have these things in my life. I occasionally use some things that are fun (am anonymously here on reddit!) and others because I need to (long story). But I also go long periods without them and tbh, I feel like I am missing absolutely nothing.

  7. I’m on reddit and that’s it. I don’t regret deleting my facebook months ago. But I’m not really that much of a social media person, I mostly used it for memes and cat pictures.

  8. The only online presence I have is this 44 day old reddit account. I randomly felt like interacting with the broader world and am enjoying it less and less. I live 12 hours away from all of my family and lifelong friends, we keep in touch through phone and photo messaging in a far more personal and interactive way than any social media platform offered.

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