I’m just venting here. I [M24] was dating her [F24] since about June 2022. She’s the first girl I went on more than a second date with.

She had just moved to my city about 3 weeks before we matched on Hinge and met up. We got on really well, and the more we continued seeing each other, the more interested we seemed to get.

I have genuinely never found someone’s personality so attractive before. We matched so well. I’ve been on a dozen or so first and second dates but there had never been a mutual connection.

She just texted me today saying that she’s decided to move back to her original city in February, that she’s not interested in long distance, she valued the time we spent together, and that she wishes me the best.

That’s… it. I wished her the best back, and she didn’t reply after that, so I just deleted her number. I now have no way to contact her, and she’s no longer in my life at all.

I feel so sad.

  1. It sucks, but just consider it a starter relationship. You will be so much more experienced with the next one. There will be a next one and it will be great!

  2. Sorry OP, heartbreak is horrible. You did the right thing in replying something nice. Number deletion is a wise idea in that it removes the means for regrettable messages when you’re feeling upset.

    You will absolutely meet other people and have other such deep and authentic connections with them, also realistically a bit more of this bit too- the heartbreak. Hang out with friends, be kind to yourself, chin up x

  3. It was a little cold of her to let you know via text.
    I’m sorry and hope you meet someone great soon

  4. I’ve recently been though a loss myself, and a friend of mine told me that some people are only meant to be in your life for a season. It’s hard to let go of potential, but situations like this teach us so much: about ourselves, the love we offer, and our own potential. Now is the time to invest all that love and kindness you gave her on yourself. Someone else will come, they always do. But at the end of the day we are responsible for our own happiness. Don’t build it around someone else.

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