I know of a few workplaces including mine who are having their work Xmas party in Jan. Guess it’s much easier and cheaper to get a venue booking for January instead.

How common is this?

  1. I think it’s fairly common, people and businesses can be very busy and stressed in December before being hungover. I work in bar and we’re still having a fair few office parties or belated birthday drinks. The latest I’ve experienced first had was a Christmas party in April – delayed twice due to the company’s covid policy

  2. I think it’s fairly common, people and businesses can be very busy and stressed in December before being hungover. I work in bar and we’re still having a fair few office parties or belated birthday drinks. The latest I’ve experienced first had was a Christmas party in April – delayed twice due to the company’s covid policy

  3. We had ours last Friday. HR couldn’t organise a p*SS up in a brewery and left it til October before trying to book a venue for 150 people……hence why we had the Christmas party last week.

  4. Used to work in a hair salon and we done that all the time. Just so busy and knackered in the run up to Christmas the we booked to go out in January.

  5. I had 6 Christmas ‘do’s of varying kinds before Christmas, 1 today, and 1 still to be scheduled which was postponed from December. Today’s was a team who were finishing a major project on the 31st, hence the January event.

    I like it. Gives something to look forward to.

  6. My place is having one tomorrow evening. I agree that lots of places probably do it partly because it’s cheaper, easier to book and more staff are likely to have time off.

  7. I know it’s cheaper, and it does help to spread things out a bit, but it all just feels a bit sad to be honest. I don’t want to think about Christmas in January at all.

  8. My group’s Christmas party is next month!! I already attended a team level and institute level last month.

  9. “Fuck off” would be my rsvp

    I don’t mind doing it in December, £30 for an afternoon drinking and eating rather than working. Fine.

    January I’m trying to survive, not money wise just “I fucking hate my life” wise. This will pass, but I’m in no mood to feign enthusiasm for work events

  10. Great if you got one at all. Here’s a shout out to everyone who works for a scrooge.

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