During teen leadership class in high school before the pandemic, my teacher refused to help me when my classmate stole an item from me, specifically an eraser, after teasing me. Did it mean I was expected to do something according to what I learn in class, or was my teacher in the wrong? What I end up doing is I gave up and moved on. But, this experience made me question if I could be a leader myself. I felt like a fool. I thought perhaps I am not meant to be one since I couldn’t do anything to get it back and that I was not competent. Also, I wasn’t good at talking to other people, in other words being persuasive. I also ended up being less secure around people after being harrassed and bullied outside of class, which happened at moments, without knowing what to do to combat those moments. FYI, I didn’t even know my aggressors’ names, so I couldn’t even report them anyways.

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