Ladies answer too.

  1. Not for me but for young boys:

    To tell you’ve been raped by a teacher and not have people say, *”he’s just lucky”* or have the news describe it as an *”affair”*.

  2. When I was younger a group of us were hungry outside of a fast food place and we were talking about how we didn’t have any money. The girl in the group goes inside and comes out with a big bag of food that she didn’t pay for. We all asked how she did that, she just said “I have tits”. I thought it sounded like a cool superpower

  3. Lots of dating options without doing anything, attention, emotional support, no burden of performance, being valued more overall

  4. I’d like to have longer hair on my head and less hair on my body. Would make shaving less tedious.

  5. Being able to talk smack to a girl without fear of hr.

    Funniest chick at work makes the craziest foulest jokes, once caught her staring at her forehead in a mirror said “yeah it’s big I agree” she was like that’s not like making fun of baldness(she makes fun of me for being 37 and bald for example every customer that’s ugly and bald she says is my brother)

  6. I can think of many snide ones but actually want to be positive on this one.

    I think women often have really good social circles and are naturally more social.

  7. I sometimes envy how women can wear certain specific clothes and just automatically be seen as sexy and attract interest from strangers, anytime they want, guaranteed. Show a little midriff, a little thigh, a little side boob, and you *cannot fail* to turn heads.

    Men don’t have anything like that. Partly because women’s tastes vary more than men’s, partly because women are generally less visually oriented with their libidos, and partly because men just seem to generally not look as good (gay dudes, please don’t @me). I’ve seen it said that “a tailored suit is like lingerie for men” but I think that’s *massively overstating it.* It could make you look like a slick successful professional… Or it could make you look like a corporate sleazebag, or a used car salesman or something.

    There is literally nothing I can wear that will automatically give me the type of positive attention women can claim. Inb4 sometimes it’s unwanted attention; I know but you can choose to *not* dress sexy if you want. I cannot choose to dress sexy, because there kind of isn’t sexy clothing for men.

  8. Not having to worry about getting raped and pregnant especially when travelling alone

  9. Selling myself. There I said it. If I was a chick, even an unattractive one, I would 100% have an OF, a fansly, a premium snap. You name it. I’d sell used panties and socks. No doubt, 100% would not hesitate. I know how depraved and desperate guys are. I would definitely take advantage of it to get ahead. I’ve been so broke all my meals for a whole summer were chicken ramen and Fairbury franks hotdogs. I’ve worked 80 hours a week, and I’ve been working two jobs for over a year.

  10. Men can lose wight and built muscle easier. Their hormones dont dictate their life as much too.

  11. Being overweight but still be called attractive and fawned over.

    People not being afraid of me for what other people did

  12. I work in a male-dominated workplace and I would like to be able to raise my voice or be direct in my communication and be thought of as “taking control” as opposed to being shrill, emotional, and it “must be that time of the month”.

  13. Being able to pee standing up. And like I mean actually do it well. Aiming included. Not just standing there with piss running down my leg. Lol.

  14. I can get laid so much easier.

    Like get on tinder right now and get matches quickly.

    My only matches on dating apps have been

    Three woman who never responded back

    An asexual girl who doesn’t want sex

    Two trans men who don’t pass

    Catfish femboy

    Only fans/Sex Worker people

  15. The wider range or threshold of sympathy and understanding. Men just tend to get a harsher response from talking about their problems or some fake phoned in bs. And if we try to speak up about something like this, we are just labeled the worst sort of people for some reason.

  16. I’d say the expectation for a woman to not work. Or at least she could pursue a man and not work. A man that doesnt want to work is seen as lazy. A man who doesnt want to provide for others could be seen as selfish. Not saying women in 2023 have the luxury of staying at home. But she could do so without much lip from others

  17. Free validation. As kids, women and dogs are loved unconditionally but a man is only loved under a condition that he provides something.

  18. I wish I got some “SLAYY BESTIE” comments on my Instagram posts like the ladies do…

  19. Not being blamed for the actions of the other bad eggs in your sex just because you’re also that sex.

    That sounds amazing.

  20. Free everything just because I’m beautiful and a lady.. and women don’t deny it because I’ve seen it many many many times…

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