After when you finish school it’s so hard to find people around your age. Although I’m not against making friends that are older or younger than me besides I don’t have anything in common with them.

I feel like I missed out a lot of my youth of not going to pubs and clubs and making friends and memories. Idk what to do 😭

  1. I’m right there with you. It is so so hard to find friends at this age! I feel like everyone has some sort of group already and it makes me feel so much worse that i don’t have that type of connection anymore

  2. It definitely gets harder to make friends as you grow older. One thing to try is finding hobbies, if you don’t have one yet, and join a group for it in your area. For example, if you like reading you could try a book club. If you don’t really have a hobby yet, take a class you’re interested in trying, like pottery or painting.

    You could also try volunteer work at places near you.

  3. It’s definitely not easy. You could try the Meetup app to see if there’s anything near you that falls under your interests. Some things that I have found on there are board game and hiking meetups. I’ve also found some local sports groups in my area I could sign up for. For example, I signed up for a volleyball league that starts later this month and saw some other leagues for corn hole and soccer.

  4. Everyone is a
    Friend given the right circumstance.

    Be positive and kind to people and friends will find you.

    Help…whatever it is they are doing and you will meet/get to know people.

  5. Hey man, firstly I’m sorry you feel that way.

    I’m here to tell you it’s absolutely possible, but it is difficult.

    I’ve had to move and start from scratch socially dozens of times in my life. I’ve lived on 3 different continents in 3 different countries and 7 different cities so far and here’s what I’ve learned.

    1) More than anything else, people want to be friends with people who make them feel good. If you’re the kind of person who brings other people up, you’ll have a much easier time.

    People want to be seen. They want to be recognised as unique individuals because they are.

    If you can figure out what the person you’re talking to is proud of, what they like about themselves or what they consider an important part of who they are and validate those things then they will adore you and want to keep you around.

    2) it’s best to try and make friends in an environment you already feel comfortable in. There’s no point trying to make friends with people at a bar if you don’t like going to bars for example.

    It helps if you’re doing an activity you’re already pretty knowledgeable in. That way, you already have some common ground to start a conversation.

    3) Perhaps most importantly, some people just aren’t interested in making new friends. That’s not a reflection on you or your social skills. Don’t take it to heart if another person just isn’t interested. You can’t force someone to be your friend and even if you could, would you really want to?

    4) Despite what some people say, location matters a lot. For example, when I lived in Midwestern America, making friends felt like pulling teeth. Whereas people in florida or the East Coast of America were a lot more friendly and easy to talk to. Spanish people were a lot friendlier than English people as another example. (That’s just my observation living in those places and is by no means a reflection of everyone in those areas)

    5) People who were born and raised in a specific place tend to already have their social circle and don’t have much of an incentive to make new friends.

    Transplants, ex-pats, international students and people who have moved are typically in the same situation as you and are wayyy more open to making friends. If there’s a transplant or ex-pat group, I would try starting there, especially if you are a native. They’ll be ecstatic because you already know the area.

  6. If you work or go to school, that can be a good way to find some friends; you’ll already have something in common, so you can always fall back to talking about that if you really can’t find anything else. I’ve definitely found many of my core friends at work and now we’ve kind of moved away from talking about work when we hang out because we’ve found other stuff we have in common and enjoy.

    If you have any hobbies, you can find meetups or organizations around those hobbies. Talk to the other people there and see if any of them are receptive. A lot of people want more friends, so they’d probably be interested. Volunteering is also a good way because, again, you have something to fall back on if everything else fails for discussion and you’re working towards a common goal which can help.

    If you have a religion or you’re part of any specific cultural group (especially a minority culture in your area) you could probably make some friends at services or find an organization centered around your culture and meet people there. Again at that point you already have something in common, so there’s something to fall back on for discussion and some common ground already.

    It can be hard but it isn’t impossible!

  7. Try going to a sports club or in general to events where you share common interests.
    Maybe board game clubs or something like that

    When i moved to my current city i had the same issue in the beginning. But going to my local volleyball club changed everything. One of the first questions that i got asked was “did you watch haikyuu” (a volleyball anime) so i knew from the start on, that’s where i’m gonna make my new friends xD

  8. u are 23. Your life just started. U can’t even remember 15 years ago because u were so young 15 years ago. I can remember 40 years ago like it was nothing. I am 61 years old. U can make friends. U have to be friendly & go places where people hang out. Maybe join sports of join a club. I went to a nude beach & met lots of friendly people. I made friends. I am not telling u to go to a nude beach but join a club where there are people also looking to make friends. Be out going even if u are not out going. U need to get friends & any way y=u do that is good.

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