Men whose friends/kids cheated on their spouse, what was your reaction and which side did you pick?

  1. Wow, that’s a difficult situation to be in! Fortunately, I believe it’s important to remain neutral and provide support to both parties. Communication is key in any relationship, so I would recommend listening to both sides carefully and helping them come up with an amicable solution.

  2. The few times a dude has bragged about cheating, I usually say something like ‘ Honor your wife, dude’ and I usually don’t hear much after that.

  3. A friend(? of mine cheated (Who i introduced to my cousin(? so my cousin would leave me alone) cheated on her, my reaction when i found out was to tell him to tell her, he did so two months later, i didn’t pick any side, the guy is still a friend(? of mine and my cousin(? is still my cousin(?.

    Friend(? = I don’t really know. We studied together, have a lot in common and he got me out of two shitty situations, but we don’t talk much about anything personal (He still got me to quit getting).

    Cousin(? = Niece of my stepfather, we don’t talk much, but i don’t talk much with my blood cousins either, still not sure that we are family.

  4. I was friends with a married couple. The had a great relationship and a young boy. He cheated on her. I stuck with her. He was such a dick for doing that.

  5. My friend’s girlfriend stopped having sex with him throughout the entire covid period so he cheated on her. I didn’t care much.

  6. A close friends wife had a midlife crisis and cheated on him. I knew both well but knew him longer, we’ve known each other for 20 years.

    I know the guy she cheated with and I have a strong dislike for him because he’s got previous for this sort of thing. He sank his own marriage in the process too.

  7. Not my business, not my problem. Picking sides for something that has no impact on you but will create 100% avoidable problems is what children do. That being said, you dont enable/help them either. Once again, not your business, not your problem to help them cheat either. Also not your business or problem to have helped the spouse pick or avoid a trustworthy partner. If they chose to ignore signs or not properly vet their cheating spouse before committing to them, thats on them for rushing and not thoroughly doing the work to know who they are actually with. Play grown up games, face grown up consequences at your own risk.

  8. I don’t condone cheating and lose respect for anyone who does. But if I’m 100, I do have one friend whose partner I hate so much that I genuinely didn’t care he cheated.

  9. I would lose all respect for the cheater, whether the cheater was a friend beforeI knew their SO was or not.

    Granted their relationship is NOT my business but I also dont waste respect on anyone thats a big enough POS to cheat.

  10. I don’t have kids but my reaction to cheating is generally disgust and I usually just cut ties with the person.

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