When I visit my best friend, she often introduces me to her own friends and my best friend often tells me afterwards that her friends really liked me and somehow I can’t believe her.

When we are meeting her friends, my best friend acts very extroverted, outgoing, laughs a lot and has generally a very easygoing, friendly attitude. In comparison I’m very quite, I hardly laugh (only chuckle or grin at most) and say the occasional joke. I have a hard time engaging in conversations and mostly listen. I can also look very grim I suppose due to my dark hair and clothing style.
So I just can’t fathom why her friends would like me so much, because me and my best friend are like night and day when it comes to personality.

Do you think her friends simply wanna be nice so they lie to her that they like me? I’d say I like someones friend too because I don’t wanna be an asshole friend.
Or should I just try to believe them and be more confident in myself?

1 comment
  1. You’d be surprised at how many people are grateful to just have a quiet, friendly, non-offensive friend around

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