So I live about fifteen minute walk from the train station that I go to every morning. I don’t usually mind the walk but when it’s absolutely chucking it down I always think about driving but then I decide against it because I don’t want to pay for a whole day of parking. The route to the train station is down a quiet road and there’s never any police about at that time so here is my question: moral/legal issues aside, if I drove to the station but before I turned in I took off my number plates and then parked in the car park all day, is there any way they could give me a ticket?

  1. A waterproof coat and setting off earlier seems a much more reasonable solution to this, Del Boy.

  2. If it’s a private car park with ANPR they might report it. Fake plates might work once or twice. Not worth the risk.

  3. Legally you are escalating a civil wrong to a crime. All it would take it for security to report to the police there is a car without a licence plate and suddenly you will fave a sommunce to court.

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