Basically the title. There are occasions where I start to get close to a girl (I’m M28 but this has been a thing since I was 18) and they have a specific smell that is instant turnoff for me. Science says that we’re not supposed to actually ‘feel’ the odor of pheromones, but since I know the people I’ve got close to practice good hygiene the smell still comes from somewhere. I’ve got close to a girl once in a one night occasion and I felt the smell coming from her chest under the neck area. At first I though it must be bad mouth hygiene but then I realised it stems from somewhere else still. I’d like to hear some thoughts whether I’m the only one having this, since almost none of the people I’ve discussed it with in my friends groups can relate to it.

If I would have to describe the smell, it is like a mix of trash and butter gone bad or something. A complex repulsive smell. I don’t feel it on all of the women though. My friend’s gf had it so bad that I couldn’t be in the same car with her, yet, my friend says that to him she smells amazing.

If this is not the correct subreddit, I kindly ask you to direct me towards the right one, but why I posted it here is that it has more than once ruined my sexy time night and I don’t know what it is. Thanks.

  1. Hmm, this is a new one to me, but then again my medical training is at 0%. When I read the title, I was prepared to think you were just inexperienced sexually and maybe kind of a dickhead about women, but on reading your actual post it sounds like you are going through something very stressful and unwanted, and have been sitting with it for years with no one to talk to. I’m really sorry to hear that you have been facing such an unpleasant disturbance to what should be a natural part of your attraction to other people.

    Obviously *something* is going on here that is real to you and therefore worth real attention. You’re describing a hypersensitivity to smells — is it limited to sexual encounters and women’s bodies, or does it go beyond that? Do you have similar sensations when you are around male friends, unfamiliar foods, cleaning products, other people’s homes, nature/outdoors, garbage, etc.? If it’s exclusively related to women, how many would you say this has happened with?

    In either case, I would recommend taking the issue to your general practitioner so they can make a referral to a specialist. That could be anyone from an ENT to an endocrinologist to a neuroscientist. In the lead-up, try to keep a journal of your experiences and symptoms so that you have really precise information to give when the time comes. Test out your senses and see where else this might be coming up. Good luck and I hope you find relief for this!

  2. This requires you to first get checked out by a doctor to make sure something isn’t actually going on with your olfactory senses or beyond.

    Then if its a clean bill of health sometimes there are just people that we find repulsive for whatever reason. I’ve stopped seeing a very great and hot girl 2 dates in because I realized that I found her normal body odor repulsive. I never told her of course because I know she practiced clean hygiene as the smell only came from around her neck and not from other crevices.

    Sometimes life just be that way

  3. That’s pretty complex. From the others side, everyone secretes different amounts of “stuff”, and it can have differing levels of strength to the stuff. Colloquially, everyone just says this is someone’s “natural scent”.

    From your side, everyone has a different sensitivity to scents. Sounds like yours is dialed up pretty high. This can differ also, in what you are sensitive TO. For example, I cannot abide perfumes. They literally wake me up, make me gag, give me a headache, and ruin part of my day. Sounds absurd but there it is. I would literally rather smell a fart or trash can than someone’s overdone perfume.

    So a couple of things. First, while you’re accomplishing the longer term mission, go out and get a small jar of vicks vap-o-rub. Dab a little on a q-tip and run it just inside of each nostril. This is an old cop/coroner trick, and will allow you to get close to people you need/want to interact with.

    Second, you gotta find someone who has a really weak scent profile. Going to be hard to pin down if your nose has vap-o-rub in it, so you need to come up with some sort of plan.

  4. Maybe females aren’t your thing if you’re only being repulsed by the smell of women not men.

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