So, Im in a group project of three people (me and two other people) for a graphic design project. Our team lead is a nice person but I feel a bit misguided and lost, our team leads were picked at random. My group lacks communication, and due to that we have made no progress and I am lost on what I am supposed to do for our next class. I have been in group projects where miscommunication has caused drama and unneeded fights, and personally not knowing what to do makes me frustrated.

I want to talk to them about this but not seem like I am trying to throw our team lead under the bus. Earlier today I think they felt like I was trying to overpower them since I kept giving out suggestions due to the fact no one was talking.

How should I go about this?

1 comment
  1. Begin by pulling the Team Lead aside (or messaging them privately on a messaging app). Gently explain that your team is confused about what to do, and that you’d like them to try and communicate with the group more.

    Be as understanding as you can, while still not being condescending. If they agree and start leading the group more, great! If not, tell them that if they don’t feel like leading the group, you will instead.

    Remember, the Team Lead was chosen at random, so they may not have wanted the position in the first place. They may be entirely willing to pass the leadership role to you or another classmate.

    Worst case scenario, they’ll be difficult and you’ll have to overpower them. That’s still not a terrible solution, though, as frankly, they deserve it at that point.

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