most of the girls i’ve had sexual encounters with i had taken a shower about 10 minutes before they came over?? how would i keep myself cleanly after being outside for a few hours??

  1. The biggest factor is sweat, so don’t wear restrictive or overly warm clothes, and don’t do activities that will make you sweat.

  2. Assuming that you’re a woman, I’d recommend you having feminine wipes in your handbag. “Always” is a good brand to use.

  3. I’m a dude, I excuse myself to the restroom and wash off my junk before doing anything. Call it “freshening up”.

  4. If you have female parts, carry around wipes in your bag. Also I have a travel size deodorant, breath mints, and an extra pair of cotton underwear in my bag at all times. Not for purposes of sex, more so because I am a sweaty person and I like to stay fresh.

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