Like, would you sky dive? Or maybe bungee jumping? Maybe drive 150 mph? A roller coaster? Running with scissors?

  1. Scuba dive. Because I enjoy swimming and it’s relatively low risk. I’ve never enjoyed adrenaline rushes.

  2. Well I’ve done all of the things you’ve listed aside from bungee jumping.

    See, as an adrenaline junkie teenager I really did not take good care of my body. I had many bike, longboard, and car crashes and never wore enough protection. And now I’m paying for that as an adult, and I worry deeply about my spine when I think about bungee jumping. That’s just not one I’ll risk these days

  3. I’ve done all you’ve listed, was the most scared for bungee jumping.

    I’d have to say scuba because I’ve never done it and kinda panic thinking about it (mildly claustrophobic).

  4. I made it this far without losing any major pieces. From now on, if it requires saftey equipment, I aint doin it.

  5. I fucked that hot 19 year old girl from work with the fake tits and the 2 year old.

    She was crazy as fuck and ruined my life for a year or 2, but good God was the sex amazing.

  6. sky diving seems so fucking fun & i would have gone by now but my gf is terrified of me doing it & cried when I was seriously discussing doing it – funnily enough the thought of bungee jumping seems like a little too much but I’d probably do that too.

  7. Bungie jumping – no. I know it’s safe, tested etc – but I’m still afraid of heights.

    Skydiving – yes, but in a tandem with a professional (so I can spend less of my brain being scared to death and try to enjoy the experience).

    Drive 150 mph? Did with as a passenger, didn’t like it.

    Roller coaster – it’s scary but I can do most of them (except the ones that go down vertically).

    Running with scissors? Why? A medical scalpel is more practical to run with (and much deadlier).

  8. My whole life is a hunt for excitement and adventure, but I like there to be a reason. Just jumping off a tall thing for no reason does not appeal to me.

    I like being shot at, car chases or being in burning buildings.

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