Probably a stupid question, but how do you operate within LinkedIn, specifically “connections”.

Is there a convention to adding people, or is it everyone you work with / have worked with. Im no doubt overthinking this, but it’s oddly daunting.

(Back story – high-end introvert, chaotic upbringing, struggle making connections with folks irl. And so tend to shy away from social media, simply cause of the fear of rejection and to a lesser extent being seen as the friendless loser that I actually am.)

Any advice would be appreciated,

All the best,

1 comment
  1. I just tend to add everyone I’ve worked with and work with. Usually I don’t message or anything. Nobody seems to care much to be honest. But I’m pretty new at LinkedIn too. But I don’t think you really need to worry, people can press “ignore” if they’re not interested without any negative consequences for either of you.

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