I ( 25f ) work with this guy ( 25m ) I’m about to be quitting and when I do I will probably not see him again. He is extremely shy and so am I but would I be creepy if I took my chance and asked him out? We aren’t close at all but I have been crushing on him kinda hard. We have a lot of similar interests and he genuinely seems like a nice dude. We are both the same age and single so at least I wouldn’t be intruding on anything like that. Idk guys what’s your pov on the woman making the moves? Should I just let it go? I feel if he liked me I would know but he mostly keeps to himself.

Tldr: how wierd is asking out a coworker? I want to ask out my coworker before I quit but am afraid I’ll come across creepy and not even sure if he likes me.

  1. Nah not weird at all, shoot your shot. Worst case scenario he says no and you still quit and you might not see him again like you said. You could also say that you’re quitting and you want to hang out sometime platonically and that way you could see if something was there.

  2. I say go for it, worse case says no, you don’t see him again lol. But guys are very good at hiding emotions, especially shy people. Your shy for so long your learn how to show nothing, trust me. But just because maybe right now he’s not head over heels for you doesn’t mean he won’t ever be. A date wouldn’t hurt him and i’m sure he’d be so happy you asked and be thrilled for the date. Or just ask for his number and say you wanna hangout soon

  3. Go for it. It’s better to hear “No thanks” than to spend a lifetime wondering. Besides, he might sat “Yes”.

    Added bonus, if you do this now, the next time you find yourself in this situation, it will be much easier for you to take the initiative.

  4. I’ve never met a girl who made the first move…Id probably like it though if we got on well.

  5. I think the greatest regrets we will have in life will be the things we failed to do – especially when it comes to loving others.
    Even if he said, No, you might change his life forever.
    Go for it!
    And be glad you did, whatever his answer.

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