I(28) love my girlfriend(23) of two years and she is really cool. She has a best friend who is kind of emotional and immature. After she had a break-up my girlfriend let her stay in our house for a fee days cause she was depressed and lonely.

We both tried to cheer her up and after that she got better and went home. But things started getting a little bizarre. She now constantly texts me and tells me about her daily routine. Says only I can get her cheered up, I understand her than all the boys she had before.

She didn’t blatantly tell me anything, but she sends me pictures of her in bikini, scantily clad dresses, also sometimes nudes. So the signs are obviously clear what she wants.

I love my girlfriend very much. And I would not sleep with her best friend. But I also keep her texts a secret and I feel really gulity about that.

And I am really turned on seeing her best friend. Sometimes, I even think of fucking her. That makes me feel even more gulity. I can not say this things to my friends either.

All these things making me suffocated.

  1. You fucked up keeping them secret. You weren’t responding to the spicy stuff were you?

  2. Well, that is a tough situation you’ve put yourself in my friend 😅 kinda should have told your gf as soon as you got those pics, now it’s gonna be to late.

  3. How you handle this depends on how you responded to them. If you have done nothing, tell her to stop. If you have responded positively to them, you have started digging your grave for your current relationship.

  4. Oh boy you are going to be in big trouble when her friend puts you on blast for all this if you don’t choose her.

  5. Talk to your girl, make sure you kept receipts of her bestfriend texting you and sending you stuff. However, make sure your replies to those messages aren’t reciprocating what she’s giving you otherwise you’re fucked. And I’d avoid deleting or fabricating the convo to make it look like you’re innocent (if you weren’t) because no matter how you change it, it’ll be obvious. Be completely honest and true to the receipts that you have because you know damn well the best friend will try to twist and turn on you if she doesn’t get what she want while losing her best friend in the process.

    When doing so, make sure you explain to your girl that it was never your intention to do anything with her or sexualize her (again, your receipts will prove this to your girl) but were put in a situation that you just didn’t know how to react or what to do that is why you kept it a secret at first. Whatever her decision is, respect it. As long as it doesnt’t involve anything stupid like her harming her friend or you, or her shaming her friend like posting her nudes online or something or putting her on blast. That will not be good for her bestfriend, for her and for you.

    Also, get your head straight and know what YOU want. From your comments, it seems that you are now confused on what it is that you really want. It is only natural that you have sexual desires and fantasies of the friend but as long as you don’t act on it or haven’t acted on it, you should be okay. However, if those things now make you question yourself if you love your girl or will you ever be satisfied by your girl, then the talk might be a little longer and might include a different topic than just the situation at hand.

    Think about what you’re losing or who you’re losing rather and ask yourself, is it worth it? I ask this because you have stated “she also lost me long ago” but you have only stated your lust for her friend. Do you now love her friend more than your girl? Do you plan on acting out your lust towards her friend? Because like I said, your reaction to her nudes is normal and the urge that you feel is normal, what you do with it though is up to you and will give you different results.

  6. Jesus Christ bud, you should have went full stop and immediately showed your gf what she was doing.

    Now you’re sus as fuck, and have put your gfs trust in jeopardy, probably your relationship.

  7. Attachment theory is very real. You need to be very careful. If you truly value your relationship you should be completely honest with your girlfriend.

  8. She is not your gf’s friend first off. No real friend would ever try to get with her friend’s man. You need to tell your gf about it because its best she hear it from you. You don’t want the friend to turn it around on you and say you are the one trying to get with her. Don’t even think about fucking around, its not worth hurting the woman you love

  9. Go have a nut and get some post nut clarity.

    One part says you won’t cheat. The next part says you’re thinking about it.

    Tell your partner.

  10. It’s a set-up, you’re getting screwed out of your relationship, her friend needs to back off.

  11. >She didn’t blatantly tell me anything, but she sends me pictures of her in bikini, scantily clad dresses, also sometimes nudes. So the signs are obviously clear what she wants.

    and you haven’t told your partner yet? woof, buddy. bye bye trust.

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