My 26f ex 30f is taking his time making a decision whether or not he wants to get back together. I broke up with him because he was spending time with an ex (platonically) and not being open about it. There were some other reasons too.

We spent 3 months talking long distance and he saw me twice before he went back home.

He said he needed to see me in order to make up his mind but he still doesn’t know what he wants to do.

It has been almost 4 months of us talking and idk how much longer I can wait. How do I talk to him about making a decision sooner?

Tldr; Ex said he needed to see me before deciding if he wanted to get back together. We’ve been talking long distance for over 3 months and he’s seen me twice but keeps saying he needs more time to decide. How do I tell him I can’t wait forever?

  1. He made his decision, it’s to string you along. Do you really feel like him taking his time is a **good** indication that he’ll prioritize you any different. Go ahead and make the call for him, stay broken up

  2. He needs to see you in order to decide and you’re just fine with that?

    Please stop wasting your time and find somebody who will chose you, instead of stringing you along like this

  3. You broke up. You had solid reasons. Why go back on a valid decision?

    Make a choice. You should have closed the door rather than leaving it swinging open. Close it now. He either demonstrates he wants a future with you or he doesn’t. What has demonstrated? Nothing.

  4. I think you deserve to be with someone who actually wants to be with you instead of someone who maybe wants to be with you sometime in the future.

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