We broke up because she accused me of cheating, and we went NC for a week. She messaged me last night saying I cheated on her among other things that made me feel terrible. I don’t know why she’s doing this, I thought we could end things on a somewhat civil note but now here she is accusing me of cheating on her while we were together AFTER we broke up. Why is she doing this?

  1. What does it matter why she is doing this? She’s your ex now, so put her and her accusations in your rear-view mirror, and drive away without looking back.

    Maybe she was unhappy because you were TOO kind and civil when she told you she wanted to break up, and she expected – or even CRAVED – more drama and fireworks. Don’t give her the satisfaction.

    Not everyone can do the friendly breakup thing, and your ex-GF seems to be the type who wants to stay angry and keep stirring the pot. Ask her to please not contact you for a while, so you can both get over the breakup more quickly. If she continues to bombard you with hurtful texts after that, you’re totally justified in blocking her on everything.

  2. Most likely just projection because she was cheating. Doesn’t matter though just go no contact for your own well being and block her

  3. She has nothing better to do than get under your skin and you are letting her. Just block her if you don’t want to hear from her.

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