I want to gift my boyfriend a threesome with my best friend. What are the pros and cons ?

  1. If your approach to a threesome is right, it can not only be fun but a deeply powerful experience that makes you stronger and bring you both together.

    It’s all about communication between the both of you before hand, and then commission with your third will in advance.

  2. pros: threesome

    cons: ur best friend

    I did that (MMF). Didn’t end well because intimacy in the romantic and friendship side was weird afterwards, and we all kept seeing each other a lot. If I’m in a relationship, I think I’d be more comfortable having a threesome with a stable partner and someone we both flirt with, want to be with and know “equally little” for starters. Not that it cannot morph later into something stable or whatever, but for a one time thing? Outside of my social circle is where the other F or M or X is.

    Also, communication with your partner first is key. Sexual activities should never be a surprise, because there is no consent without prior knowledge (unless he gave you permission to this kind of stuff before, like CNC)

    I think all sexual activities can be fun if they are consensual, well communicated, processed and responsible tho, even with your best friend. If everyone is ok with what they are getting into, fuck eeeeeem (and be fucked)

  3. It’s like a cake, it depends a lot on good ingredients.
    Good ingredients is fun, respect, boundaries, communication, everyone wanting it, comfortableness, laughter, planning, chemistry, taking in bite size steps, hitting Pause if something feels funny, and aftercare.

    Who can do what things with who? Are you saying it’s OK for him to cum in her or might that knock loose some primal feels? Thinking those things through and talking about it in advance can help everyone know what everyone else is and isn’t OK with.

    Would you be OK seeing each other nude? “Baby steps” means you can test that and other non-PIV things ahead of time to see how they feel. If you like the baby steps things and everyone feels good, then you can try more.

  4. Don’t do it, myself and my wife met young and started.having threesomes to peck things up.
    Big mistake and the relationship has never been the same again

  5. Personally, I think it’s only good if the girls are bisexual and will be involved with eachother.

    I once had a threesome with two entirely straight girls and it was bad. Just left someone feeling spare..

    The whole thrill of a threesome is seeing girl on girl action whilst I fuck..

  6. My wife went on to cheat with multiply guys over the years.
    If it wasn’t for the fact we have children we would have gone out own way.
    Things are back on track this last 10 years but even though I enjoyed the experience at the time I would never go back again.
    It’s just not right for some couples but is it worth the risk of loosing him?
    Can you handle him pumping your best friends from behind while she is cumming on his cock.
    Hot in fantasy but the reality is different.

  7. Never do it with someone you love. Worst mistake to do it with a long term girlfriend and her friend. She never forgave me for ‘how long I spent on her’

  8. If you both want it, it could be. Don’t gift it. If ‘the gift’ is a chance for you to be with a woman just be open about it. It will fail without both trust and endless communication.

  9. Well I don’t reccomend it being your best friend…that’s bound to go badly. at least one girl has to be pretty active, I’m usually that person.

  10. Pros: They are a lot of fun. The intimacy from this can be amazing. Taking turns who everyone is focusing on is something i really enjoyed.

    Cons: It will change how you guys view each other. If someone cannot handle that change then trouble can happen.

    So think this through. Ask yourself about tomorrow. Are you expecting this to be a one off thing? Does everyone? Will it be a problem if you see your friend put her arm around him. Or if you notice a new closeness between them?

    You did not say if you and your friend are bi or not. If you guys are, will he have issues if he see you two together?

    My own personal experience has been positive. I have had FFM, MMF both as the BF and as the guest. First time i was the BF, i did have to come to terms with the new closeness my GF was having with the other. We talked about it and everything worked out.

  11. I’ve always wanted one but never had the opportunity. My wife has had 2 before we met, and she says she absolutely won’t do it again because someone always gets clingy in her experience. Bummer, but I respect the opinion and just don’t bring it up anymore.

  12. My girlfriend and I had one. It went great. We’re hoping to have one again in the future.

  13. Had a couple threesomes and they were both awful. I actually bailed on one of them and left the other people alone in my bed. Just the worst. I left and got a snack.

    Everything felt fake, forced and uncomfortable.

  14. Make sure you, him, and the other girl are mentally and emotionally able to handle it.

    Could be great, could be a total fucking train wreck.

  15. Does your boyfriend want a threesome? Does your best friend also want a threesome? Would you risk torching your friendship and/or relationship for one night of potential mediocrity?

    And threesomes, like pets, make for poor surprise gifts.

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