Looking for real, useful advice from men who consider themselves to be successful, at least in one area of life.

  1. 1. Persistence
    2. Patience
    3. Optimism
    4. Independence
    5. Realistic
    6. Proactive
    7. Courageous.

  2. Assuming you want the relatively normal things of a partner who loves you for you, financial stability, and a general feeling of life fulfillment. In no particular order; patience, empathy, persistence, courageous, honesty, communication, humility, and a little bit of luck. The luck might seem like a challenge or unrealistic because how do you control luck. You make your luck by being all of the other things and you will find yourself lucky when things seem to go your way by being your authentic self.

  3. Im not 30, almost, but in retrospect if I would’ve had these 2 things my life would be 10000% more successful


    And self-control/delayment of instant gratification

    Build on those 2 a d everything else will more or less stack up

  4. Good responses.. IMO a overarching positive mindset is important. We will have big setbacks and it’s good to take stock and see the positive in life whatever that might be for you. For me it’s my health, family and shelter over my head.

  5. I’m successful in life for two reasons:

    I unapologetically love the people and things I love.


    I do not let my past self hold present me back.

    By the first thing I mean that hold those dear close to me
    Doesn’t matter if it’s blood related family or the boys that I hang with every week. I love those close to me without condition and it makes me life so much richer.

    By the second point I mean that I’m regularly auditing myself and my dreams. Just because I wanted to do something at 18 doesn’t mean I want to now. And giving myself the freedom to organically evolve as I do has made my life so much easier and fulfilling.

  6. You might want to look up the “locus of control” concept. Essentially those without a strong locus of control don’t believe they have any control over their lives. Those with a strong locus of control believe they have more say/control over what happens to them. I found this article that looks like it has some good tips on developing a strong locus of control.


  7. Constant movement towards goals. That doesn’t mean you have to achieve every goal or that your goals can’t change. The point is that you aren’t just drifting through life. You’ve always got an image of where you’ll be 5/10/20 years from now and you’re actively doing things to make those images reality.

    Again, you can change the image. That’s fine. But always be moving.

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