women who had/knew a hysterectomy, how were they physically/mentally after the procedure?

  1. My mom had one when I was very young, and she never had a problem mentally because of it, but on the other hand she had already had a kid and was over 40 so… She was likely more ready for something like that than others might be.

    Her worst issue wasn’t the actual hysterotomy itself, but fear of what caused it (cervical cancer).

  2. My ex SIL had one in late 20s, she was a bit depressed cause she wanted more kids. But her and husband talked about adoption.

  3. My mom had one in July 2021. She couldn’t walk well for two to three days. Within a week, she didn’t feel a lot of pain (physically and mentally) and got back to work. The only downside was that she had to be careful when it comes to lifting heavy stuff.

  4. It’s major surgery so pain and discomfort was pretty much what I expected and experienced. Mentally I was better than ever knowing the surgery would improve my quality of life, save my health, and release me from the burden of periods.

  5. I was so relieved. I had to go back on bc pills after I had a tubal 7 years before the hysterectomy, because I would bleed every 17 days otherwise. Which was dumb because I didn’t want to take pills anymore, hence the tubal. The pharmacy started having problems with supply, I would sometimes go a few months without it and start bleeding every 2
    weeks again, so I said screw it and asked for a uterus yeet when I was 45. Literature said it was normal to put on 20 pounds afterwards, and yeah, they were right. I was already 30 pounds overweight, not pleased with that, but I feel so good these past 5 years, I’d do it again, no question.

  6. My grandma had one due to cancer when she was 30. She is happy to no longer have cancer, but is having issues with prolapsing(?), her organs are moving where they shouldn’t be.

  7. I had one two years ago after a failed ablation a few years before that. I bounce back really quick from surgery, I probably only needed 10 days off of work, but took 3 weeks. My husband and daughter were on my ass to rest and spent a lot of time yelling at me lol. She took one tube and left both ovaries, so I’ve had no issues with menopause (although that’s starting to kick in). I was really tired the first few days, but that’s pretty normal after general anesthesia.

  8. I had one last year, because my former uterus was a jerk who kept stealing all the iron in my body, and making me look pregnant when it was impossible. There was post-surgical discomfort, all of which seemed to resolve itself in a few days, as long as I kept taking the pain meds and didn’t move weirdly.

    Once the post-surgical discomfort and such was over, I cannot express to you how much better I feel, both mentally and physically. I don’t feel tired all the time (probably because I’m not losing iron anymore!), I sleep better, my clothes don’t get stained anymore (which annoyed me a lot, because my former uterus was…abundant), and my moods have stabilized. Probably one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

    I will say this; if you are someone who wants children, the loss of the possibility to become pregnant is difficult. It was for me, and I am not someone who feels strongly about having children, biologically-related or not. However, I also believe that, in my case, the gains far outweighed the losses.

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