how is your new years resolution going now that we are half way through the first month of 2023?

  1. So far not great, been on holidays and go back to work next week. Hard to get into into a routine when it’s all going to change when going back to work.
    New year new me, starts next Monday aha

  2. My annual new years resolution was to not be bothered with new year resolutions. So far it’s going great.

  3. Not great. Resolution was to ride the pushbike to work at least 1 day a week every week this year. Just got through the *first* week back at work, and already failed. At least I don’t have to worry about it anymore…

  4. Not great. I always set the same 3 resolutions: gain weight, sleep more, bleed less. 12hour night shift industrial mechanic, running on caffeine and dopamine has quite an impact on your physical and mental wellbeing but it’s the life I live.

    I sometimes think I should add resolutions about dating more and expanding my social circle but always chock those up as completely unrealistic

  5. Pretty good. Mine was to move out my current flat. Got a confirmed date for moving into new place next month.

    Quite nice resolution this year since it has a clear end goal, not a neverending one like most make.

  6. Good so far. Mine were to cut back on drinking which I’m doing well on and to cross at least one thing off my bucket list this year and plans are being made for that.

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