So long story short, i had a long relationship for about 10 years but it ended up tragically. She ended it so at that time i still cant let go.

2 years later everytime im thinking about having a gf, it always struck me like can i love someone like how i loved my ex? And i always end up being upfront on dating apps stating i cant do serious relationship because of what happen.

If you guys have experience something like this before, how do you guys escape from it?
It is getting annoying now that i cant fully move on and it feels like a major things i have to worry about on top of everything else in my life

English is not my native language so i hope you guys get what i mean

  1. You’ve got every right to feel apprehensive. You know what they say: if you fall off a horse you get right back on. Don’t put barriers up regarding dating apps, you never know when you’re going to find someone, so don’t limit your options.

  2. In the exact same boat, brother. Heartbreak doesn’t care what language you speak or write in. I have been thinking about this for three years. All I can do is pass on a question my friends mom posed to me after my wife left me. She asked me if I was capable of loving two women at the same time. She doesn’t need to be there for you to love and care about her and for her to have a special place in your heart. Doesn’t mean there isnt enough space to love someone else as much as you are able to. Be kind, respectful and honest to yourself and those around you and you will be just find my friend. Broken heart and all.

  3. You can’t worry like this or you’ll poison future relationships. When you meet someone new they aren’t going to be a blank slate either. Relax and let life happen my man

  4. you don’t “convince” yourself to fall in love again, you just do when you meet the right person. i too didn’t think i was ever gonna love someone like i had loved my previous SO, but then i met my current partner and i think back at the time when i thought i was never gonna love again and it seems so silly. the love you felt for that person didn’t originate from her, it came from you: you were capable of that love, you still are, you just need the right person who will make you see that again

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