I find myself always second-guessing myself, especially with strangers and those who I’m not so close with, whether I should say or initiate something.

For example, I’m studying in Sydney and I once had a friend of my parents came here for a solo trip. I met her because she needed to send me some stuff. After taking what I need, I wanted to ask her where she wanted to go and if I could help something. But I was so reluctant at that, asking myself if it is appropriate. What if she got plans already? What if something wrong happens while I was guiding her? What if I embarrass myself? Is it the best thing to ask?….

Ended up not offering help, and have become very regretful at that moment. Every time I thought about it, it makes me feel like I’m such a shitty person.

Or when I was walking and saw a man who seemed to have much trouble carrying to bags of groceries, I reckon I should ask if he needs any help. But again, hundreds of questions came through my mind, which feared me. So I ended up not doing it, again.

Or when I was meeting friends, I wanted to ask questions to keep up with their life, e.g. Has your sister recovered? How’s school these days? Do you enjoy your new job?, etc. Contemplated whether or not I should open my mouth and ask, and I decided I’d be better off not doing it.

And I guess many of you would relate with me on this: just a while after that particular moment happens, I start regretting and sabotaging myself for not doing what I’m supposed to do or say.

I think this is one major reason on why I’m so passive in socializing in daily life.

Whew and thank you for reading up to this point 🙂 Just posting here makes me feel less shitty of myself already.

  1. “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it.” – Daniel Kahneman

  2. Just ask yourself, “what’s the worst that can happen?” That they are brusque with you? The potential upside is much greater.

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