So I work in a restaurant as a chef. One of the waiters (my bosses daughter) that works as a call in substitute always seems to flirt. Even some of our other co workers notice it too. I ask her how she’s doing and she responds with “oh so much better when you are here” I don’t think much of it. Later I am cleaning my station while I get a feeling that someone stares at me. I look up and she is looking at me, we get some eye contact and smile to each other. An hour or so goes by (many tables no time to talk) she then comes up to me and ask for some dessert for the tables. I say yes and complete them she then says “they look so nice just like you” with a big smile and a wink. We also have this inside joke about her father being a sugar daddy because he pays both of us. I really enjoy talking to her and being with her. But the things listed above kind of makes me uncomfortable (but I kinda like it?) the thing is my ex broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. I told her about it and she looked surprised but kinda happy. I ask her how she is doing with her boyfriend and she says that he lost feelings for her and they will probably break up soon. She also always ask if I need a rebound (including her and one other girl)
Is she flirting or just joking around?
I really feel like I can’t pick up social cues

  1. Be careful depending on how much you need the job as she’s your bosses daughter, depends if you’re on good terms with him as if he would approve. And I wouldn’t date her if she’s still with her boyfriend, wait for them to breakup if you want to ask her out

  2. I’d just play along at work with her for right now. I don’t recommend dating coworkers, especially if she’s the bosses daughter, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with going out to clubs or hooking up with them, as long as things don’t get messy or feelings don’t get too involved. It sounds like she’s flirting, but that’s kind of a normal thing at restaurants—if she says/does that kind of thing with other guys too, than that just might be her personality.

  3. She’s flirting with you.
    Make some plans for the weekend. Tell her about them and just ask is she would like to join you. Then take it from there. She seems like she is expecting you to take charge. So, do so.

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