I can go weeks/months without using reddit however I find whenever I do use reddit my husband will post/comment in the same subs as me.

We both have pretty old reddit accounts and he sent me a link about 6 months ago to a post he made on reddit. Maybe I shouldn’t have but I had a quick look at his post history seeing as both of our profiles are open to each other and we know each others accounts.

What I did notice was just a few days after me posting in the r/amiugly sub, he posted in there. I thought it was a one off until about a few weeks later I posted in a DIY sub, he then began posting there. I then posted in normalnudes, not more than 24hr later he had posted a photo of himself. Over the last few days I’ve been answering a few questions in AskReddit, low and behold, he’s been answering questions in there all day after not using his account for weeks. He’s even gone as far to answer the same posts as me.

I know I’m not completely innocent and do check his profile now but I didn’t check it once before working out he was posting in the same groups as me.

Am I right to be a little creeped out by this. I find it really odd behaviour.

**tl;dr**: Husband “follows” me around reddit posting and commenting in the same groups as me days after I make a post in there. Is this odd behaviour?

  1. Why don’t you just block him? Problem solved.

    EDIT: Based on your post history and the sex aversion you’ve been dealing with for years, I’d say this is the least of your problems. You’re also not posting in those subs on this account. So is he following multiple accounts or…?

  2. You would have to have this conversation with your husband. It is telling to me that you do not communicate properly, and usually this is because there are trust issues in the relationship making communication difficult.

    I did briefly look at your post history, and this is not an isolated incident. I get the feeling that you and your husband is not “a team”. If anything, for your marriage to improve, I think regaining a sense of being unified would be beneficial. A team against the problems, not you against him.

    I have written about healthy relationships in my post history, I urge you to give it a read. Maybe it can open your eyes a bit as to what the issues are in your relationship and what you are lacking.

    Seems like you (both probably) also have personal issues and the relationship is not helping with these, but rather making these issues harder. Ideally a marriage should support each other with such personal issues, rather than these issues becoming relationship issues.

    I think investing (and I think it might be worth the spending) to have personal and relationship counseling. If you could get help getting the fundamental stuff in order, the rest of the issues you might have should be easier to deal with.

  3. No judgement here, but I have read your post history first of all. As you mentioned in your OP the subreddits you posted to. I am confused at you having no libido but also posting nudes and seeking validation that way?

    If your husband knows your accounts and follows you, think about this from his perspective. You do not want sex with him, but you are seeking validation from strangers online.

    This will inevitably make him massively self conscious, insecure and confused. I have a high libido, and I know if my previous partner who had little to no libido was doing such a thing it would have pushed me even further off the rails than what I already was.

    I’m not excusing him for stalking you or behaving inappropriately, before anyone down votes me. But there’s massive conflict here, and without context this post makes your husband look crazy. With context it’s much deeper than that.

    Again, this is all written with absolutely no judgement. You are who you are, and you do what you do. I can just tell you from personal experience it’s absolutely soul destroying when your partner doesn’t want you sexually and can lead you to feeling insane. I’m sorry you’re both going through this and can work it out with therapy or split amicably so you both can find people more aligned with your wants and needs.

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