Got the following text from the guy I’ve been causally seeing after I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie at my place. For context, we have been out for two dates that both lasted more than 4 hours. But we have barley texted since the last time we met which was 4 days ago.

“Hey tmrw might be tough since the meeting got pushed to Monday, maybe we could try to do later this week if you’re free”

Does the reason feel genuine? Is this the start of being ghosted?

  1. He did mention the reason(meeting) and then offer a alternative(this week) so sounds like he is trying. I was hopping for specific like this week Tue would be good tho. But I would wait for him to reach out and see what happens next week

  2. You might be overthinking this. Seems too early to determine if he’s going to ghost you or not. Maybe he doesn’t have a valid reason.

    Give him a chance and see what happens later this week. If he keeps pulling excuses or you eventually don’t hear from him, then you’ll know. I think it’s too early to tell based on what he said.

  3. “Ghosting” is an abrupt and unexplained cessation of all communications with someone after having built up some kind of rapport or relationship. It follows logically that it is not possible to ghost someone by texting them.

    In this case, the text is giving you relevant information regarding your plans and possible future meetings. It is really the opposite of ghosting. Whether this person wants to see you again is a totally different question from “Am I being ghosted?” and indeed one that makes a lot more sense. In my opinion, by telling you in advance that he might have to cancel and, in the same text, expressing the possibility of future plans, this person is trying to communicate right now that he **does** still want to see you again. If you feel the same way…tell him so and also tell him when you’re free.

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