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  1. Picked her up in my car to drive in to town to find a place for food or drinks, Everything was closed so we just awkwardly drove around and then made out for a little bit, it was a really really weird and awkard vibe before the first kiss for like 2 hours of me driving while freaking out internally that nothing is open, thankfully she planted on me at a set of lights which put me at ease.

  2. A girl invited me to her house at 3am , she had friends there , best description of the place INFESTED

  3. A girl I matched with online suggested this “cool bar with a great vibe” she knew of that “served amazing drinks”

    The bar was actually great… but her ex was the DJ who she wanted to make jealous and after a while he confronted me and wanted to fight me.

    I don’t have time for that shit.

  4. I was technically invited to a subway station, and then if I didn’t have serial killer vibes, to her house.

    Her first friend gave me the all clear and then vanished, leaving the two of us alone for a 45 minute bus ride. At her house I met her roommate. Her roommate was her ex, who she had dated for 18 months.

    Then she told me not to worry, as even though she had dated him for so long, she was never gonna sleep with him, cause he was black. He just stood there smiling, like the saddest Steve Urkel you had ever seen.

  5. I went on a date with a girl to a park because she wanted me to meet her son. Turns out she actually had 3 kids and she tried to pretend that the other 2 were family kids but one kept calling her mommy. Also one of the father of these children worked at the park in the basketball gym. We ran into him and I took that as the opportunity for me to leave.

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