I lived my whole life in Italy and I never dated italian guys because of trauma (racism and bullying growing up in italian schools). suddenly at 19 I found the most supportive, caring and sensitive guy ever in a guy from eastern europe. He is very handsome, but also sweet, kind and manly too, without being aggressive or obnoxious. He’s special and one in a million type of guy. He’s much more handsome that the hot popular guy average at my old school, who always rolled their eyes at me, as I was the “loser”, instead this eastern european guy was so awestruck by my looks that he used to stare at me. I still dont understand why they disliked me so much at school and called me ugly while this handsome and kind guy considers me beautiful and special

I cant describe the feeling of “home” and safety while being in his arms. It’s like he’s the one to understand me. It’s hard to explain, because I still dont understand why all guys during my lifetime hated me, insulted me and wanted me not to be there in class with them, as if I was a monster, while he is the opposite: he sees me as someone special and worth it. He was the one to look for me first. When he holds me in his arms, and I look into his eyes, all I see is concern and love.

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