Recently had a woman convey interest and me. She was with a friend who is really quiet. I noticed she never introduced him, or talked about him or anything. He kinda just looked into the distance while she engaged in conversation, like he is used to kind of being put to the side. I thought it was a little bit rude, and made her look unattractive. I ended up reaching out and introducing myself. Perhaps it is the man’s job to do so.

Do you have any similar experiences? I’ve noticed in the past some girlfriends tended to not introduce me if running into friends, and some others did.

  1. I’ve had this happen quite a few times. I think some girls just get too excited and forget maybe? I’ve had to be like, so hey I’m so and so by the way, and then shake their hand

  2. I’ve had some girlfriends that are like that but usually I can tell right off whether they want to introduce me or not. That’s “her” job. I know it only applies to certain friends some friends it’s about the first thing they do. I haven’t figured it out yet. My current gf introduces me to everyone I haven’t already met.

  3. Friendlyness is the characteristics I am looking for. It’s very important for me and easy to notice in her interractions with other people before even thinking of going on a date with her.

    >She was with a friend who is really quiet. I noticed she never introduced him, or talked about him or anything. He kinda just looked into the distance while she engaged in conversation, like he is used to kind of being put to the side.

    Was this her original date or was this a friend? Because if a date, then this is a very strange date (not making her unattractive as a person per se). It’s just a warning for me because I need someone who talks quite a lot …

    If however this is just a friend then this might be normal between them and I would not derive any conclusions from that. I have many moments like this with my friends

  4. Only if they aren’t dating. If someone is introduced as “they’re my boyfriend/girlfriend” I usually try not to get too close to that person..
    It’s too risky, I’d rather not be emotionally attached to them Incase they do something stupid and I have to cut them off.

  5. Happened to me with two of my friends from highschool(f). We happened to meet their other group of friends from work(two of them work together). The group talked for like 10 min and i stand there trying to figure out if i should just pretend not to be there or introduce myself. We were in a queue for a ferry their friends were disembarking and we were going up. It ended when their friend noticed me and went like “um sorry are you a friend?” And then introduced herself. Longest 10 minutes of my life. After that i always introduce the one with me if ever i met someone somewhere accidentally. Its uncomfortable for me so i imagine it may be for others too. I also try to keep it to greetings and stuff not more than 3 minutes

  6. 100%, they she treats other guy, how she talks abput those who are not there or completely put of her life – all that tells a lot about how she will probably treat you.

  7. I’ve learned quite quickly that most women dont want to build up with someone and would rather move in when the work is done. I had to move back in with my mother and grandmother because they were struggling and were close to loosing the house. I have since taken over the household and set up a budget as well as written out the expenses along with emptying my savings to pay it off for them. The construction company I used to work for went under after being hit with several lawsuits of unfulfilled contracts. Thankfully I have just landed a new position with an architecture firm that is willing to help me finish my education. Even though I live with my mother and grandmother I still keep the household afloat and am building myself back up yet, as soon as a woman that has shown interest in me and I’ve shown some in her learns of this all communication ceases. At first I began to wonder if I had said something out there or if there was an emergency yet when I went back and checked the chat logs all communication ceased shortly after I had told them my situation. I’ll keep searching I guess or just form a Spartan Marriage with one of my bros if neither of us can find someone

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