I found that as an adult, the only way to keep in touch sometimes is to plan “catch ups” every few months. However as I’ve started getting older and life has become more stable, I start to get bored when I catch up with friends over lunch and stuff. There’s not much drama to talk about, it’s just high level career or travel or side business or latest Netflix show or whatever and I just find myself drifting off into a daydream wishing it would end soon.

Is this normal?
Also should I take it personally if my friend wanted to end the “catch up” early as well? She looked relieved when the bill came.

  1. Mmmm, that’s normal if you don’t really have real things to talk about. I only have deep conversations with my friends. Otherwise, I’m uninterested. I don’t feel like it’s the whole catching up things that you dislike, but it’s more about not genuinely connecting with other people yet ! Maybe try meeting new people 🙂

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