How do you deal with intense mood swings? Or being emotionally unstable?

  1. Therapy provided a lot of tools for dealing with my emotions, it took time but I think it was worth it.

  2. “Am I about to act like a crazy person?”

    If no: continue

    If yes:

    “Okay, but am I entitled to behave this way.”

    If no: stop

    If yes:

    “Okay, but do I just think that because I’m crazy?”


  3. Growing up and maturing, realizing there is nothing to gain from a mood swing or unstable and they cause more harm than good.

  4. Therapy.

    Then, learn your triggers; study about cognitive behavioral therapy; acquire coping skills.; get a solid support system.

    When you are in therapy, find out where the mood swings are coming from, adapt to the issue as best as you can, and, lastly, live.

  5. I don’t. Unless you happen to be a teenager this might be something you want to talk to a professional about.

  6. exercise.

    take all these emotions and put that shit right into a lift. if ur angry or anxious that’s energy. put that energy into something physical

    helped me along with therapy

  7. Self care, self care, self care. Even if it means laying in bed watching a video for the rest of the day until you feel “normal”

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