I’ve ( F28) been talking to a guy every day for 2 weeks and we’ve met each other twice. I actually enjoy his company but I feel like I made a mistake by “kind of sleeping “ with him and now we haven’t talked in 3 days. I communicated to him that i felt insecure that we wouldn’t keep in touch after and he reassured me that we would. We haven’t talked for 3 days now and I feel like I want to at least communicate to him that I’m not interested in having an on and off relationship with someone but I don’t want to sound too serious since it’s so early in getting to know each other.

I’m in no hurry to get into a relationship but I also know that I will need more communication going forward. I want to have fun & get to know him more without rushing into anything.

What would you do in my position and how would you approach the conversation? I would love to hear your stories and advice!

Side note: it’s not an option for me to just keep quiet and move on, I’ve done it far to many times but this is someone I feel is more emotionally mature and who I could have the conversation with. I’m okay with whatever the outcome may be.

  1. You either have to date exclusive or not. You can’t string someone along. If you like him, then tell him you like him and that you want to date exclusively.

    Imo, it’s too soon to say something like that but you also can’t be wishy washy, which is why I suggest being forward.

  2. “I’m in no hurry to get into a relationship” Your actions say otherwise, why are you in denial? No offense but you’re almost 30, you *should* be in a hurry. You’ve been talking to a guy daily for 2 weeks, “kind of slept with him” (whatever the hell that means), and you’re now upset that he’s stopped messaging you every single day even though the two of you aren’t in a committed relationship. If things aren’t serious yet, you shouldn’t be talking daily that’s how things fizzle out so quick. If a woman who wasn’t my girlfriend or someone who was on the verve of being my girlfriend was texting me everyday I’d feel smothered and like I’m the focus of her day.

    I get it, you’re 28 and coming into the danger zone terroritory; but being this clingy this fast isn’t the way to get a quality man. How old is this guy? How did you meet? Do you know anything of importance about him?

  3. This post doesn’t specify, have you messaged him? Is he actively ignoring you? Are you just waiting for him to initiate? Kind of important.

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