I’m almost 22 years old and a male. I have never really had any friends, and I don’t have any now.
I don’t know how to make friends or even how to carry on a conversation with someone; I’m always awkward, weird, and quiet. If you don’t start a conversation with me, I’m not going to start it with you, and if you do start a conversation with me, it’s going to be awkward and short, and I won’t know how to reply, so I’m going to look for the closest opportunity to end it.
I know how important it is to socialize and make friends for my mental health and how happy it makes me when I force myself to do it.
But still, I can’t make myself socialize or put effort into making friends.
I’m rarely able to force myself to have small talks with people in the gym or school; I don’t even talk a lot with the family that I live with, and I rarely visit my other family members that are living near me.
Same thing with girls: I want to get a girlfriend but I can’t make myself talk to girls in real life or on the internet; if I start talking to a girl online, I’ll often Gost her or only reply after a few days.
Sometimes I try to make friends online, but I stop talking to them after a few messages. It’s almost like I find it effortful and boring to talk to people for me; I’ll only talk to the pretty girls, and I often stop talking to them too ir reply once every couple of days because i don’t have the energy to do it, or don’t know how to reply.
What can I do to change this? I want to have friends, have a girlfriend, and know how to communicate and talk to people, but I don’t know how to do that or get the motivation to do it.

1 comment
  1. I think you need to first focus on loving yourself and doing things you truly enjoy. you need to do that in order to make new relationships.

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