Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right place to put this but here it goes anyway. I’m a 25 y/o male (seriously not trying to brag) but im considered good looking so I have this expectation in my social circle that I should be sleeping around more than I do. But in reality, I can’t get an erection if I don’t love the person. This may seem like no big deal but a relationship is not feasible atm while im working long hours and completing my masters. Does anyone have any advice on how to change this or get sexual satisfaction? I’m honestly curious if this stems from a lack of confidence or if im just over-sensitive. Cheers.

tl;dr : can’t have sex if I don’t love the person and can’t have a relationship rn. Need advice how to move past this?

  1. It’s pretty normal for people to want to have a “connection” to the person they want to sleep with (myself included) and it’s also normal for people to not give a shit about any connection and just want sex. So, no, it’s not strange. I suppose the main question is if it has to *romantic* love or just, love – like a friend, someone you connect with and really like as a person.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with you, and there’s no reason to change who you are. Maybe just buy a Fleshlight to hold you over until you have time for a relationship? That time will come. You won’t be in school forever. And in the meantime, there’s no point in trying to force yourself to have casual sex, which could possibly leave you with STDs or an unwanted pregnancy anyway.

    It sounds like with a masters degree you’re going to be quite successful. You will probably end up with a good wife and a nice life. There’s no reason to risk that future with potential STDs or child support.

    Some people are happy to take those risks, just for the enjoyment of it. You are clearly not one of those people, and that’s okay.

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